Wie esst ihr eure Nudeln am liebsten?
Welche Zubereitung mit Nudeln mögt ihr am meisten? Welche Soße macht ihr euch? In der Pfanne im Ofen?
Welche Zubereitung mit Nudeln mögt ihr am meisten? Welche Soße macht ihr euch? In der Pfanne im Ofen?
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Wie schafft sie es mit ihrem Essverhalten so schlank zu sein? Man liest in den Medien immer wieder darüber, wie viel sie snackt: 1. 2. Wie schafft sie es dann trotzdem so auszusehen?
Hi – an alle, die einen Airfryer haben: taugen die was oder sind normale Fritteusen bzw. ein Topf mit heissem Öl genuaso gut?
Vegane Spaghetti Bolognese, Penne Arrabiata, pasta with mushroom sauce and also sometimes quite simple and classic with tomato sauce or delicious pesto.
In addition, my father can do well in the form of, for example, tortellini. (all in the vegan version)
Fried with some oil or margarine and well seasoned with for example garlic can also be delicious and is totally simple.
Spaghetti with mussels
Spaghetti all bygole
This dish tastes best with fresh clams.
However, since these have become very expensive, this dish is also prepared with normal mussels. If necessary, you can also use clams in the glass or in the can in your own juice.
The dish is also served with tomato sauce.
Ingredients for 4 people
1 small onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 bundle of parsley
Half to a whole Peperoni or Chilischote
Cold pressed olive oil
1 kg fresh Vongole (Venus mussels or heart mussels)
or 1 kg mussels
or 1 glass of Venus mussels in own juice or in brine
1 cup of white wine
2 laurel leaves
If with tomatoes, then 1⁄2 can or 1⁄2 bag tomatoes in pieces.
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
320 g spaghetti (person 60-80 g spaghetti expect)
Cut 1 small onion and 3 garlic cloves small.
Pessil also cut fine and separate into 2 parts.
The peperonie and cut small.
Brush the fresh shells under running water well, throw away already open shells.
In a large pot, heat at least 5 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil, add garlic cloves, onions, peperoncino and half of parsley and steam until the onions are glazed.
Remove the onion mixture and put it aside.
In the meantime, the spaghetti, according to the instructions on the pack, cook hard, i.e. ’al dente’.
In the pot bring 1 cup of white wine to boil, add 1 TL salt and 2 laurel leaves and fill in the shells and approx. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
Remove the shells, throw away unopened. Pour the broth through a fine sieve and ensure that no sand remains in the broth.
In the case of glass or cans, also pour the broth.
Put the onion mixture back into the pot.
Then add the mussel and if desired, 1/2 bag tomato. Boil vigorously, so that the sauce thickens. The court should be juicy, but not supper.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and the other half of parsley, taste with salt and pepper, and then gently remove the spaghetti and the shells. Let it go for a short time and serve immediately.
In no case keep warm, so the shells become tough.
The different color indicates the sex, orange shells are male, white shells are female.
(Don’t give a parmesan over it).
Something like that in the direction carbonara very much, but vegetarian
noodles with pepper, salt, tomatenketchup and vlt ei/cheese is also somehow very nice😂 or yogurt (so tzatziki moderate with cucumber pieces)
Or Nudelauf with a few crawling noodles and so lasagne
Eigtl goes a lot clear, only with linsen-bolognese I don’t find so nice because lenses are for me a separate dish
Either as Carbonara with ham cream sauce, very classic with dark roast sauce or with tomato sauce.
Noodles come into a pot with hot water and are cooked – whether from the bag or whether it is made by themselves.
My special sauce: roast tomatoes, onions, garlic in pan, then season with basil curcuma pepper, salt otherwise what you like then cream fresh and then add noodles in it so to speak then cook cheese then you just have Mac and Cheese special
Cook noodles with some sunflower oil. Seven. Boil some butter and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste in a coated pan. Add half a glass of water. Let it boil. Put noodles and swing in them. Season with pepper and salt. Serve.
Today there was a vegetarian vegetable pan with me. Was very delicious!
Here is the recipe:
https://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/3641511548091093/Vegetarian-Nudel-Gemuesepfanne-mit-Paprika-Zucchini- und-Pilzen.html?utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=chefkoch_android_app&utm_campaign=sharing_rds_ck_android
Lg pancakes
There are many variations:
Otherwise, simply with olive oil, swung tomatoes, knobi and also seafood.
I usually cook my noodles and eat spaghetti Bolognese.
Difference: but, Tonno noodles are my favorites otherwise which with vegetables tomato sauce. Ricotta, Pesto, Nudelauf etc
With various vegetables with slightly thickened sauce.
In soup, beef soup or ramen.
Penne with butter and some salt
Or classic spaghetti with minced sauce
Especially with minced meat/tomatoes/cheese. Spaghetti or lasagna.
I like noodles in almost all variations:
Ui Nudelsalat is also good
Jaaa, we’re more often in summer.
With us
Is nice because that is not such a heavy hot meal