Wie erstellt man bilinguale Seiten mit Libre Office?

Ich wäre relativ gut eingearbeitet in Libre Office und würde mit dem Writer gerne auf der linken Seite Deutsch und auf der rechten Seite in einer Fremdsprache schreiben. Leider gibt Google da nicht viel her. Kennt jemand eine Lösung dafür?

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1 month ago

I think that for this, I would rather use a DTP software like Scribus because you can set the properties of the text columns independently of each other. Office programs are more difficult to do with such tasks.

1 month ago

Maybe I’m too stupid and I get your problem wrong, but…

Create a bizarre page and write in one half in language 1 and in the second in language 2. LibreOffice has no auto correction or something that would prevent you from writing a document in different languages. Only the spell correction could be annoying you, but you can put it off or insert the dictionary of the two languages in it 🤷 ♂️


Or do you meanautomatic translation?

1 month ago
Reply to  onkeltorty


There are our experiences with LaTeX very different 😅 Actually it can be much more than LO.

But to LO: you can create two page templates that each follow each other and then define these page templates differently.