Wie erstelle ich ein eigenes Buch Cover?

Ich möchte auf Wattpad meine bisherige Lebensgeschichte erzählen(die ich aber wahrscheinlich nicht öffentlich machen werde) und möchte dafür ein eigenes Cover machen. Ich möchte keins auf Pinterest oder Google raussuchen weil ich mir wirklich mühe geben will.

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6 months ago

You go to Pixabay and find a picture there. These pictures have been created for everyone to download. You put the title on this picture and your cover is ready.

6 months ago

I also stood before the problem, I would have been willing to spend money, but the search for freelancers did not convince me. There are still unrivalled potential at the providers.

So I worked in Affinty Publisher, watched and experimented some YouTube videos.

I had the Affinity Suite already, the publisher never installed.

After a hundred attempts I felt so far and made a few test prints. More dozen changes later I set the almost finished version into a book forum, get valuable hints and the cover final made: I am satisfied.

All images shot themselves, in Photo and Gimp, self-handedly fryed with love and heart blood and arranged in publishers.

If you have time, do the trouble and put on your own hand, this is certainly not your last cover.

If you want to see it, write me.

6 months ago

You could create one with Adobe Express or Canva. Adobe costs almost 12.- Euro monthly, but there is also a free trial period. You can use prefabricated designs there or make yourself something together.


6 months ago

Order artists on Deviantart. Don’t eat the world either. Such a book cover might come up once 30 euros. ;

6 months ago

I can recommend Canva.

You can search for templates and edit them or create something yourself.