Wie erreiche ich meine Ziele?


Wie erreiche ich meine Ziele für meinen Leben?

Ich will später mal schon gerne viel Geld verdienen und das meine Einkommen auch stabil sind.

Ich will auch mal gerne später ein eigenes Haus besitzen, tolle Autos und so noch haben…

Ich bin jetzt 20 Jahre alt. Ich fange dann an eine Ausbildung an zum Schreinerin 🙂 und ich will dann unbedingt Meisterin werden.

Meint ihr ich kann das Schaffen? Wenn ich mir dann später eine gute Schreinerei Aufbaue?

Ich will aber auch eine Freundin haben

Mein Traum Auto ist irgendwie ein Porsche

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1 year ago

Whoever the gods want to punish, they fulfill his wishes.

1 year ago

You ask how you YEAR Achieve goals in your life.

The big question is whether “the” goals you have listed, YEAR Objectives are. Or are it simply things that “the society” says that they are desirable.

You write about “I want later

But why later? Why not? NOW?

Question about GOODS. And then after the WARUM behind the Why!

1 year ago
Reply to  yuutuuber

I don’t agree, because you always say I want to do it later because you can’t afford it now. Not now!

1 year ago
Reply to  christl10

Hello Christl

Let’s imagine our “Woelfin373”, we call them Lena, is a passionate motorcycle driver. She dreams of cruising through scenic landscapes, feeling the wind in her hair and enjoying the freedom on two wheels. But somewhere between the desire for a conventional success and the societal expectation of taking a “reasonable” profession, Lena pushed this passion to the long bank. Why not nowshe suddenly wonders. Why do I wait for my life to start sometime instead of starting the engine?

Act now: Lena decides that it is time to reconsider its priorities. Instead of a Porsche, she now dreams of a shiny new ducati. She begins to give motorcycle courses, shares her passion and expertise with others and even earns her bread. Your carpentry? She specializes in custom-made motorcycle parts and accessories made of wood – a niche market that combines her two passions.

Being: Lena redefined success. For them, success now means waking up every morning and looking forward to work. She no longer measures her success in the size of her bank account, but in the number of smiles she sees on the faces of her customers when she handed over the keys to her custom motorcycle boxes.

Think: Lena recognizes that it is not about reaching a specific goal, but about the journey there. She learns to appreciate every moment whether she is going through the Alps on her motorcycle or working on a new project in her workshop. It recognizes that true satisfaction is to live in harmony with its deepest values and interests.

Now do: Instead of dreaming, Lena is acting. She plans a motorcycle tour through Europe, blogs about her experiences and inspires others to pursue their own dreams. It organizes weekend tours for motorcycle enthusiasts, creates a community that shares their passion, and finds a deep fulfillment in it.

Lena understood that life is too short to wait for “later”. She has realized that true satisfaction and success are to set priorities that may not always correspond to the social image of success, but the more so with what makes her heart beat faster. And the heart of Lena beats under it in the cycle of the motor, as it travels along the road – free, fulfilled and truly successful.

1 year ago

When I was 19 I had the goal to get to work first. I didn’t dream about a house or a Porsche, because that’s unreasonable and stupid.

I was looking for ways to position my training and that was not easy, because I did not know exactly what department I would have the most fun and also be accepted. Therefore, the first years were a mistake and a search with some success and defeats. In such a situation dreaming of wealth would be stupid and not appropriate, because one has not yet achieved anything. Only then when I had chosen the department I had at least arrived and satisfied. But I knew that I would not make a great career there and wealth would remain a dream. Then I gave the chance to change to the stock exchange department after many months. I’ve been told that you wouldn’t be able to make a career as fast as you did in any department. The first months were super exhausting, so I almost wanted to give up. Nevertheless, the ambitious has to keep me posted. When many became routine then it was much simple, yet still exhausting. And so the years I was promoted every two years and earned more and more. When I was 31 years old, I got an out-of-tariff contract and I was appointed a procurer with 35. At 32 I then financed a house that was paid only with the bonus within 5 years. Now I’m 56 and I have 4 properties. But I never bought a Porsche, because I’m too greedy.