Wie eröffne ich ein Bankkonto unter meinem Namen?
Also diese Woche werde ich mein erstes Bankkonto eröffnen. Mein Vater sagte, dass ich das Geld vom Sparbuch in mein Konto überweisen soll. (Mein Sparkonto ist bei der Sparkasse. Ich werde dort auch mein Konto eröffnen, weil es leichter ist) Ich wollte fragen, ob mein Bankkonto unter meinen Namen eröffnet wird (Ich bin 18) oder, ob er im Namen meiner Eltern eröffnet wird.
From your 18th Your parents have nothing to do with it anymore. Every bank or savings bank will only open an account to DIR, your parents can’t do it for you anymore. What’s better with the Sparkasse? Opening a current account is not a big thing. Almost all banks do this online in under 10 minutes.
This will of course be opened on your name. Then let the online banking set up, then you can also move the money from the savings book.
Of course. LG
At 18 you are able to do business, of course it will have your name. PA is essential. Sparbuch is, unfortunately, a stupid investment and destroys the savings and on a current account it is also shy away.
Read financial scholarship and financial test.
You’re all year round. So you can go to the bank without any problems and open an account.
Just say what you want at the switch.
Thanks for the answer
Check http://www.finamztest.de which bank offers the most affordable solution for you, because many shock at the current account.
Don’t forget to take your ID.
Go online.
If you want to open an account, it’ll be made to your name. You’re a grown-up or am I wrong?
What a question…
Of course, in your name, you’re 18, according to your question, at most 12.
Today’s youth hardly gets financial education. It often happens that today’s youth does not know what and why