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2 years ago

I feed almost exclusively on fresh, unprocessed organic food, what the garden produces and eggs from my chickens. 🌿🐓🌱

2 years ago

Vegetarian, mainly because I don’t like meat. But also because I’m sorry for the animals. For me, this is simply the most suitable way of nutrition: I feel comfortable with it and don’t miss anything.

2 years ago

I eat everything. But I’m open to alternatives. I like to buy milk for my coffee instead of more normal and if I find something like that, then even vegan hack or something like that

2 years ago

I eat everything as far as possible, must do without certain things because I do not contract them. Meat is rare, because most of it doesn’t taste me.

2 years ago

But I respect where my food (both meat and fruit/ vegetables and co) comes from, as far as possible I cannot buy regional rice, rice does not exist in Germany

2 years ago

Yeah, with most sweets being sweet to me. I always reject

2 years ago

With emphasis on high-quality protein sources, so much meat compared to many others

2 years ago

I’m Vegan.

Since this diet, I feel better.