Wie ernährt ihr euch?
Ich esse viele Fleisch also mehrmals täglich. Kein Witz. Ich war mal Veganer und es hat mich gesundheitlich zerstört.ir geht es viel besser seitdem ich viel Fleisch esse. Wie Esst ihr ?
Ich esse viele Fleisch also mehrmals täglich. Kein Witz. Ich war mal Veganer und es hat mich gesundheitlich zerstört.ir geht es viel besser seitdem ich viel Fleisch esse. Wie Esst ihr ?
Nach (manchmal auch vor) dem Sport muss man dazu sagen…
Was findet ihr essenstechnisch am geilsten?
ich habe mir heute morgen eier gebraten und beim aufschlagen ist ein großes stück voll drin gelandet… ich habe es zwar raus geholt aber es war dreckig habe die eier ja ein bis zwei minuten gebraten salmonellen muss ich nicht befürchten oder ?
Ist es realistisch jede Woche 3 Kilo abzunehmen? Habe mich letztens gewogen und hatte nach einen Tag 700 gramm abgenommen.
Moin, Ich hab gestern eine Packung reibkäse geöffnet und hab sie vergessen in den Kühlschrank zu legen. Kann ich ihn jetzt noch verzerren oder ist er schlecht? Danke im Voraus
Hallo. Ich war vor ca 2 Monaten in Amerika und dort hat man für z.b. ein Döner 15$ gezahlt. Und für ein Sandwich 5$ (convince store) hier z.b. im Edeka zahlt man nur 2€… Oder I’m normalen Markt z.v. Wallmart.. Schokolade 3$ Abgesehen davon das ich nicht mal in ein Touristen Gebiet war. Aber wieso…
In the form of sausage lining, Viennese, chicken, Chicken Nuggets…
You should be careful not to get cancer. Sausage is carcinogenic.
What’s not carcinogenic?
Tofu is much worse than sausage
Yes – all the more than the world’s meat-minded mind also keeps in Asia!
People in Asia also eat meat
Tell people in Asia – they have been eating tofu for a long time.
Are safe healthier than people in this country – at least as long as there is no further Western meat consumption !
Sunlight and night work is also officially carcinogenic.
Studies? Tofu is extremely healthy, with sausage officially considered a carcinogenic.
I’m totally on meat, mainly because I just don’t like it. In my childhood, I had only eaten it unnoticed, later a real dislike was developed.
I don’t think it’s hard to dispense. Actually, I don’t miss it at all.
Honestly. Don’t you feel lethargic or something?
Not at all. I’m fine. But thanks for the demand.
I didn’t judge it as an attack. :
I didn’t mean it as an assault, but for interest.
and I don’t count it, I eat meat when I have a bock, sometimes this is daily, sometimes only 1 times a week or even less
In itself, I see that the majority is healthy and balanced and also fits on my sporting goals, so 70% is clean, the rest is junk food or other garbage that you can enjoy.
In principle, sausage is also meat and salami I eat daily. Rare normal meat, so not in host. I’ve been eating a bit more often.
Lg Ichliebemich505
From deepest conviction – my decision lasts for a long time, and it is irreversible!
It does not destroy me – on the contrary!
I am orienting myself to Jesus who also ate fish. In addition to the Passahlamm, which had a spiritual meaning, and did not serve the carnal pleasure.
I’m just looking for my proteins and fats, sometimes with meat and co. I am not the consciously offensive meat eater now, but is already often involved
Once a day else I won’t get really tired
Under the week mostly vegetarian, on weekends there is often a piece of meat. I don’t eat sausage at all, and ham once a month.
Since I live with my husband who needs meat for his hard job every day, I eat meat every day, but little.
That you have to eat meat for hard work is a myth – still…
I like meat and sausage, but you don’t want to exaggerate anything.
I eat meat every few days
That’s it.
We shouldn’t count 1-2 times a week. It can be more about the holidays.
I’ll get to 3-4 times a week
only flesh makes flesh
Oh, yes. “Only meat does meat.” You’re leaving your brain. How your answer confirms
our stomach acid has a pH of 1.5 and he from a cow 8 so turn your brain on
HAHAHA underlines my statement only once again
you are stupid
And now? What does this have to do with the subject?😂