Wie ernähren am Tag eines wichtigen Sporttests?

Hallo, ich werde in kürze ein sehr anstrengendes Belastungs-EKG machen, welches ich schaffen muss.

Wie sollte die ideale Ernährung für maximale Kraft an dem Tag aussehen?

Der Test geht nur 12 Minuten, hat es aber richtig in sich. Wie würdet ihr euch an dem Tag ernähren?

Ich schließe die Einnahme von Supplements nicht aus, es geht um “alles oder nichts”.

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2 years ago

Would eat the day before the giant mountain noodles to almost charge all the memories. Then eat enough on the day of the test, but important: only slightly digestible, little ballasts etc.

Before testing fast carbohydrates and some protein – very little fat!

There’s something like noodles or ebli or something.

For supplementing, you can almost recommend caffeine in the short term. Creatine is supposed to have a performance-enhancing effect, but it must be taken in the long term and otherwise there are more supplements for regeneration. You can ball a vitamin stack + magnesium before, but if you have no problems so far, you will not have a deficiency, so it will be less.

2 years ago

Many fast carbs from eating.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cngz995

So hour to 30 min before.

Carbs serve the body as energy suppliers. He can quickly and easily gain energy from them. The energy recovery from fats and protein takes much longer.




White flour

White rice

White bread


They contain hardly any nutrients or vitamins and are therefore basically unusable for the body. The only thing they do is give us energy quickly.

Fast Carbohydrates – What is it & when does it take? (without carbohydrates.org)

2 years ago

Eat well carbohydrates in the morning.
No noodles. They need too long to be digested and take power.
Drink plenty of water. Maybe with lemons in it. Works refreshing.
Before the test 250-400ml orange juice or similar fast carbohydrates.
No chocolate bars or the like.

2 years ago

Caffeine and sugar