Wie ernähre ich mich gesund?

Ich möchte mich gesünder ernähren und mehr Gemüse zu mir nehmen. Auf Arbeit nehme ich mir immer 2 aufbackbrötchen mit 2 Eiern und Hänchenbrust fürs Brot. Dazu immer 1 Paprika, 1 Tomate und etwas Gurke. Nach der Arbeit mache ich mir dann immer TK Gemüse(Kaiser) und eine Eiweißquelle. Mir wird das kaisergemüse auf Dauer allerdings zu langweilig. Deshalb bräuchte ich Tipps, welches Gemüse ich mir schön zusammen mixen & anbraten kann zu meiner eiweissquelle ? Gibt es ein gesundes Gericht was ihr euch gerne zubereitet ?

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10 months ago

Zucchini always goes with me. Then all that is there: broccoli, tomato, paprika, onion, leek, eggplant, corn, carrot,… you can taste that with all possible spices. From mild (e.g. cream and herbs of provance) to Asian (soya sauce, curry powder, chili) there are millions of possibilities.

If you want to feed protein-rich, you can also roast some chickpeas. They are very high in protein.

10 months ago

I have discovered Turkish cuisine for myself, as you cook there with lots of vegetables and also relatively low in fat, therefore also healthy. I very much like to make beaver-Dolmasi (Paprika filled with minced meat and rice, boiled in pot with water). Look for Turkish dishes that should suit your taste 😉. Otherwise I can recommend a Quinoa salad. I always do it with avocado, sweet potatoes, broccoli and pomegranate.

10 months ago

I’ve put together a big pensum of recipes at chef chef. Maybe you look there.

10 months ago

Your fresh peppers and tomato can also be roasted and eat as vegetables. Otherwise what last has season.