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Hiv oft x?
kommt hiv oft vor ? und ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür sich anzustecken hoch und wieviel prozent der Bevölkerung haben es ?
There’s some kind of glue in that blood. If you hurt, the adhesive will be activated and closes the wound. That’ll give you a dark crust you’ve seen before.
This doesn’t even catch an 18-year-old main student xD
Then the 18-year-old has bad luck. If a 9-year-old is interested, she also tries to understand.
so complicated the text is not…
what are you talking about?
But why? It can help or I see it wrong
so I find that with the quote, etc.
why unnecessary…the one postet a video..the other one zatat…all can help
I know.
He/she has the text anyway from Chat GPT. Chat GPT could have asked myself, so the comment is unnecessary
you are already a group.
Just tell her the blood’s getting tough.
Before blood coagulation, the blood simply flows.
If there’s a wound out, it’ll be hard.
But there are diseases in which one has no good blood clotting and then bleeds a great deal.
blood comes to the air = blood gets hard so wound can heal
By explaining it. Take a bit tangible to illustrate how to fry protein. The mechanimus is, of course, another, but if you formulate the explanation accordingly you can make it clear.
Your friend and helper, the show with the mouse: