Wie erkläre ich Ausbildungsabbruch im Vorstellungsgespräch?

Hallo ich habe eine dringende Frage.

Zur Zeit mache ich die Ausbildung als Pflegefachkraft im Krankenhaus. Allerdings ist mir die Ausbildung ein bisschen zu schwer und ich habe mich für eine Stelle als Pflegefachassistentin beworben.

Jetzt bin ich zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen geworden und weiß nicht wie ich erklären soll warum ich meine jetzige Ausbildung abbrechen will.

Danke schon mal im voraus

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2 years ago

However, the training is a bit too heavy and I have applied for a job as a nurse.

I’d just talk to your employer before you put your training in the sand. If it is not the practical work, but rather the theoretical part of your training, there are probably possible suitable promotional offers that can help you learn.

As for your interview, I’d say what’s up. Don’t worry about it, but honestly, why you want to change the profession. Ever better than sucking any wrong reasons out of your fingers. The “personal” is not stupid and you are not the first person to imagine. Therefore, the actual reason for the change would be expressed.

2 years ago

So I don’t really know the differences in the activities now, but you could call on the one hand as a reason that was very badly dealt with with you, the working hours were exaggerated (permanently jumping in for colleagues), you had imagined it differently… there’s a lot more, but shouldn’t be a problem.


2 years ago

One tells the truth that xy was too theoretical or practical and you therefore hope that it is a better access for you. Thematically you are still completely interested and therefore you are looking for something in the same area

2 years ago

Tell the truth what else? Whoever strikes himself with lies through life has little joy in life.

2 years ago

Isn’t the training almost the same? Except the other ones are allowed to spray?

Finally, try to finish it. In practice, you and yours later do the whole “heavy” job. As long as you’ve worked up. That would encourage me to learn.

2 years ago

It’s not a shame to admit that nursing skills are too heavy and you want to get back to the nursing assistant.

2 years ago

by standing to the truth and giving an honest answer