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ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

As a rule, on the respective rail glides is a display board on which is the next train on the track, when it is likely to arrive and where the train travels.

Most railway wagons also have display boards on the side where further information is available, such as the destination of the train.

3 years ago

On the tickets you book online, it’s where to go.

There are large display boards on very large stations that you can see which trains soon go where and on which track.

Here the online display of for Munich. The display is over. You can watch this live for all major stations.

Then there’s this at the beginning to get there. For each track individually.

It’s on the train too.

You get tickets the website is self-explanatory


In addition, there are large screens on each platform. For departure yellow and arrival white. ordered by hours. But this is more for us when we take day trips and just look at how we go on.

As you can see, each station is equipped with information a thousand times better. as each construction site redirections on roads. They often don’t exist.

3 years ago

Yeah, that’s it. And DB Navigator on the phone can help find the track. Welcome to life.

1 year ago

I find train rides much more relaxed

3 years ago

Welcome to life is to discover new ones. And life belongs to train/street/bus to it or are you such a luxury child that was even brought to class with the sports car? I mean right to the hotel/ resort.

The kids are going to school in a senseless way now belongs to normality. Then Mom is in jam….HILFE….

3 years ago


3 years ago

From the way low earners. All you’re burning is your hand in bed.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, I’ve always been amused when I’ve overtaken the dazzling bike…

You must be a hero!

3 years ago

Haha true

1 year ago

Yes and then always listen well. Sometimes the track is changed shortly before or the train comes an indefinite time later. I wanted to save money and drive Flixtrain. He came three-quarters earlier. 🤪

3 years ago

On the train is always the number from the train and where the ferry is.
On the track there are huge panels where it stands again, nix is to be feared 😀

3 years ago

So at the train station you should have two plakete. the yellow one that shows you when the trains depart, the white ones when they arrive. then it also stands on which they come.

on the train itself should be a corresponding display board at the front and side, where the train number is on it, for example “RE 2061” or “IC 202” RE stands for regional express, and IC stands for intercity.

on the gleis itself is also shown again where the train drives and which number it has.

lg, anna

3 years ago

The target is painted on the train or on a board.