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3 months ago

Hello LoveSushi15!

I answer your question of how to identify colon cancer from the point of view of the people affected by it.

The symptoms of colon cancer may vary:

Changes in the stool > diarrhea, constipation or a change between both

Blood in the chair > light red or dark and often an alarming sign

abdominal pain > stopping or spasms

Weight loss > unexpected weight loss without apparent reason

fatigue > persisting or weakness

Fullness > or pressure in the abdomen, even after small meals

In these symptoms, a doctor should be consulted to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Greetings! sarcasia

3 months ago
Reply to  Sarkasie

Lots of blood?

3 months ago
Reply to  Gabifragt

Polyps, i.e. precursors of colon cancer, or colon cancer can lead to slight bleeding from the intestinal mucosa. The blood mixes with the chair, but usually in so small quantities that it can often only be detected in the laboratory with special tests. If blood is clearly visible in the chair, this can be a symptom of colon cancer and thus a warning sign.

If the cancer is in the end intestine, the blood in the chair looks bright red, dark red at the beginning of the colon.

Blood in the chair is not a specific sign of cancer. Blood residues in the chair or on the toilet paper are mostly due to hemorrhoids.

Bloody chair can also be caused by various infections of the intestine or chronic inflammation of the intestine.

3 months ago

Coloscopy is necessary for safe diagnosis of a colon carcinoma. Within the framework of a coloscopy, biops are carried out, i.e. the doctor takes tissue samples. The samples are sent to a histological laboratory and analysed there for a possible malignancy > malignantness.

The sole determination of tumor markers is not sufficient for a cancer diagnosis because a tumor marker is also increased in other diseases/factors.

Example! CEA > Carcino – embryonic – antigen is increased in smokers, CA 19 – 9 increases in pancreatitis.

The determination of tumour markers plays an important role in cancer care, in the course of the disease.

3 months ago

The reflection with tissue sample is the best way to detect colon cancer.

The chair reading can be used, but 100% safety brings the reflection, as samples are taken and examined in the laboratory.

3 months ago

With a simple blood test.

Intestinal cancer in the blood: the hemoglobin

If there is a suspicion of a colorectal carcinoma, i.e. a tumor in the colon or in the mast intestine, your physician or your doctor can find out on the basis of a blood test whether critical values are present. A first indication is a noticeable haemoglobin value (Hb value).

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3 months ago
Reply to  MrsssP

Or I’ve heard there’s a blood collection and it’s called a tumor marker and the blood is examined for all types of cancer. It is possible to find out with blood collection with the values which cancer can be in the body. But I think you have to pay yourself and I think could be very expensive, but definitely worth it

3 months ago
Reply to  Annie190

Tumor markers can also be increased during inflammation and is not a sign for cancer.

In the case of an existing cancer disease, it is used for precise clarification

3 months ago
Reply to  Annie190

It is possible to find out with blood collection with the values which cancer can be in the body.

No, you can’t. TM are only **Substanzen/Hb geb.** , which in the case of a malignant tumour disease can increasingly occur in the body.

They are determined in the course of a cancer disease – are neither reliable nor meaningful for cancer diagnosis.

The type of cancer can be def. Do not determine. Example:

Former breast cancer patient has noticeable TM, the cancer can sit somewhere else. This is not to be done in reality. In breast cancer it is often the brain, liver and bone marrow.

3 months ago
Reply to  Annie190

The tumour marker is actually the hemoglobin which is actually determined by the cancer. It is a simple blood collection and one can say that the tumor markers should also be highlighted. At least, you can see through the haemoglobin value whether you at least Cancer in the body has!

3 months ago

So I’m thankful to God. I heard this blood collection yesterday from my girlfriend’s mother that there is blood collection and this is called “tumor marker”.

3 months ago


This is not to be done in reality.

This is not so rare in reality.

3 months ago

You can talk to the doctor as soon as this value is high enough about how and if it is best to find out what cancer you have 🙂


3 months ago

Yeah, that’s right. You’re right.

3 months ago

By intestinal reflection.

3 months ago

There is no basic reliable evidence. This applies not only to colon cancer.