Wie erkenne ich ob meine zeichnungen gut sind?

Ellooo, woran erkenne ich das meine Zeichnungen gut sind? Ich guck mir immer extra am nächsten Tag nochmal die Zeichnung an damit ich die Fehler entdecke, aber joa, wollte wissen ob jmd Tipps hat fürs digitale (tablet) und traditionelle Zeichnen danke schonmal im voraus :3

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1 month ago

Once you’re satisfied, it’s enough that the picture is good. There will always be someone who doesn’t appreciate your pictures, but there will always be someone who loves your pictures. Make sure you like it and not what the others like.

However, it is different when an order is drawn. You have to do what someone tells you. However, it always depends on what you draw.

1 month ago

Your drawings are good if you like yourself! You can see mistakes and inaccuracies more critical than others!

I already had drawings that I found terrible, but others found them very successful!

1 month ago

You notice it if you are satisfied/happy with your drawing.