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Sorry ich bin gerade etwas verwirrt. Wie genau löse ich Aufgabe 2.3 und 2.4?
NuR because they are stoch unab, you can set up the lower grease
and now the problem is only that one has to realize that it is a “simple” fracture grease with only one unknown (p )
breaks wake
(p-0.15)(1-p) = 0.2p
1.15p – p2 – 0.15 = 0.2p ……………. all right
0 = p2 – 0.95 p + 0.15
And already zombie pq has to get back
Great, thank you very much! 🤗 very helpful!
You have two equations:
P(A-quer)*P(B) = 0.2
P(A)*P(B-quer) = 0,15
From this you do
(1-P(A)) *P(B) = 0.2 and
P(A)*(1-P(B)) = 0,15
Now you set the first to P(B) and put it in the first. After some change, you have a square equation and can calculate P(A).
Thanks for your help 🤗 LG
Go to CHATGBT Mathe, take a photo of the task and you get the solution going only 3 times then it costs you what to think about, or ask my snap MY AL he give you all the solutions
ChatGPT is usually overwhelmed with math tasks.
nicely said: No one should recommend chat because the inaccuracies often confuse the FS
KI only confused . Far away from being a help
If you only recommend to people evil