Wie erfahre ich die neue Grundsteuer für 2025 wenn ich die Grundsteuerreform über Elster mache?
Wo sehe ich den neuen Wert.
Wer das über den Steuerberater macht bekommt das ja auch gleich gesagt.
Wo sehe ich den neuen Wert.
Wer das über den Steuerberater macht bekommt das ja auch gleich gesagt.
Hallo, Wir überlegen mit meinem Mann Steuerklassen zu wechseln. Ich habe gelesen, dass so ein Wechsel 1x Jahr möglich ist. Wenn wir das jetzt im Juli machen, wird das neue Wechsel erst im Januar nächstes Jahr möglich sein oder erst im Juli nächstes Jahr? Vielen Dank.
Ich habe in einem Videospiel (CS:GO/CS2) über die Jahre einen höheren 5-stelligen Betrag erwirtschaften können und es würde mich interessieren, was ich alles beachten müsste, wenn ich mich eines Tages dazu entscheide, dass ich das alles los werden und das Geld lieber auszahlen will. Ich beziehe mich hier eher auf das rechtliche und beispielsweise Steuern,…
Hallo alle zusammen, ich bin in der Ausbildung als Mechaniker und mache seit Januar diesem Jahr 1015€ Brutto im Monat. Ich habe außerdem Anfang des Jahres ein Einzelunternehmen angemeldet und wende die Kleinunternehmerregelung an. Monatlich mache ich 100€ Brutto durch meine selbstständige Arbeit. Kann mir jemand bitte kurz ausrechnen wie viel Steuern ich dann für…
Zahlen Beamte in Österreich weniger Steuern?
Hey, ich will sparen (bin diszipliniert) auf mein normales Konto wenn ich 10k pro Jahr spare und dann ca. 20k in zwei Jahren auf meinem Konto liegen muss man das dann versteuern? Weil der Freibetrag in Österreich dazuzuverdienen liegt bei ca. 12k pro Jahr aber es wäre ja nur angespartes Geld also wenn ich am…
Wenn man in Deutschland als Einzelunternehmer selbstständig ist. Kann man dann dann im EU-Ausland Aufträge vor Ort ausführen? Wenn ja, wie funktioniert das dann mit der Umsatzsteuer?
> Whoever makes this about the tax advisor gets that same.
No. Maybe he gets the new basic taxMeasure said. But he does not use anything exactly, even in comparison to the old measuring amount.
The only thing that continues: If you know how your measured amount has changed compared to the other measured amounts of your community. If your average is higher than the average, you expect a higher basic tax.
For this amount of measurement will only be carried out by one of the municipality every year new fixed factor, called lifting set, multiplied. Only when the municipality has set the lifting rate for 2025, in 2024, can you calculate your new basic tax amount.
I must agree with @Destik25. The actual amount of the basic tax is not at all fixed before 2024, since the municipalities can only determine the lifting rates when the measuring amounts are known. A task of the reform was to remain essentially neutral. Say, there’s a redistribution.
How a consultant wants to know the exact height is a mystery to me. Unless you apply the old lifting kits, they can change as I said.
Apart from this, the exact amount of the basic tax is in no case found by the tax office. This only determines the basic tax value, as before the basic tax measure. The municipality is responsible for the survey.
The information about the basic tax values will be waiting for you for a while. The majority will probably only go out next year.
> How a consultant wants to know the exact amount already,
I think that the questioner has extrapolated his experiences with the ESt Declaration.
WAAAS? The income tax quadruples from 2025???!!!!???
nee, Späßle XD
But the consultant has a program and the program doesn’t lie, and my friends have said it! (see other answers)
> and the programme does not lie
Yeah, I’ve been reading. And guess now that the measured amount was quadrupled – who knows the difference?
There were programs before I started with EDV the rule GIGO: garbage in -> garbage out
The future level of the individual basic tax cannot yet be named, since the values of the land must first be determined. It will probably continue until autumn 2024 until the specific level of the future basic tax is fixed for a large number of taxable persons. By 31 December 2024, the basic tax is still levied on the basis of the unit values.
Friends of mine immediately learned the new basic tax from the tax advisor. It was 4 x as high as the current one. That’s not what you’re saying.
If you give the explanation about Elster, you’ll get a message in which the amount is inside.
then your friends have lied clearly
The explanations must be dealt with first. A preliminary tax calculation as in income tax is not available for the determination of the basic tax values. The communications will certainly not happen before the end of the year, probably only next year.
Two weeks ago.
When did you leave?. Millions of requests are just coming in, which unfortunately can take longer.
So I’ll call the hotline tomorrow Monday. I don’t think there’s anything else.
It’ll take time to get back. This has to be checked after all. Or the tax office wants to receive evidence.
I have given and sent all information. There’s nothing coming back.
everything that can happen and thus the value of the plot changes
Shard cookies. What does this have to do with reality?
what if the liter of oil tilts into the floor, what if the building collapses? you can’t predict
What’s going to happen? Nothing happened in the last 50 years.
but what if anything happens to the floor by then? or what happens to the building on the ground?
It doesn’t happen anymore. The living area remains the same, the size of the plot remains the same and the ground level remains the same. There is no more data to know and they do not change!
they are not completely because you can’t know what happened until then
The data is already complete, otherwise it could not calculate the basic tax.
The data will no longer change which are necessary for this.
the program can lie when data is incomplete/false and for 2025 the data are clearly still incomplete
No, they have this from the tax consultant who has a program for it. The program is not lying!
you can not yet calculate how high control in 2025 is because this depends on too many variable. you can now set speculations but they do not vote 100%. The people have probably only told about the speculations
I heard from several.
I don’t think you’re well informed.
Why do you want tax for 2025? we still have 2022
Because only then is the new tax coming. Find out better.
I don’t understand what you want to tell me, before the 2025 tax you have to get the 2023 and 2024 tax and then you can calculate more exactly how in 2025 is
Bright view, of course!
The questioning person is obviously of the opinion that it is possible to calculate the basic tax, which will be payable in 2025, as a result of the declared values. However, this is at least improbable and not for the reason that something can change on the property itself. What is, of course, the case will be adjusted accordingly in the future. However, the height cannot yet be determined because the lifting rates of the municipalities can still change or become.
The values determined in the course of the main findings on 01.01.2022 are decisive for the first time in determining the basic taxes of 1925. Since a main determination is an extremely complex method, because each economic unit must be detected and evaluated, this takes a correspondingly long time. Therefore, the long lead time. It’s a reason why you haven’t done it since 1964. 😉
yes, but he wants to know for 2025
For future, but not for the current one that is now in demand. This is also no difference from the previous procedure. The conditions for 01.01.22 are currently in demand. A new value is then determined. If there is a change in the ratios then, as before, a type/value and/or billing advancement takes place, in which the changed ratios are taken into account. This is the difference between main findings and amortization. It is the first main event since 1964 and 1935.
but the change is important for future determinations, or do I understand something completely wrong?
What happens in half a year is absolutely no longer a matter for the time of detection. This is 01.01.2022 and the conditions on this day are crucial for the current finding. What changes afterwards is taken into account, of course, but does not matter for the main findings.
but I did, but I didn’t understand how you came on cleanin. because your reason can happen without putin
I understand every bullshit you give from you, only that will never happen. Like my example with Putin. Whatever you didn’t understand.
I don’t do, but you don’t understand what I’m saying
You’re talking nonsense.
When did I talk about putin?
Don’t paint the devil on the wall. If Putin occupied Germany, I don’t care about the basic tax.
as I said, but what if in a half year n building collapsed? then your ground is worth less. these are variable you don’t know yet
Oha… I don’t believe you xD that taxes don’t work my dear, let me tell you
My basic tax has not changed over the last 10 years, no matter how high inflation was.
ok, it doesn’t matter in Germany. but in Austria, 500€ after 7% infaltion are no longer worth 500€. therefore one must consider inflation
Germany .
Let’s get something straight. do you come from Austria, Germany or elsewhere?
The basic tax has nothing to do with inflation.
They don’t know. what if they say in 2025 you have to pay 500€ but then comes up to 300% inflation, then the 500€ would no longer vote
They already know what to pay in 2025. Is that so difficult to understand?