How do I develop a work addiction?
Hello, I have to go to work soon but I don't feel like it and I want to try to develop an addiction that will give me more motivation to work.
Does anyone know how workaholism develops? How long does it take to develop it? And can a tolerance build up?
Thank you for the answers, please take the question seriously.
It only works if your work is fun.
It is only for the money to come in – I think it is not motivated in the long term. Then the eminent motivation may be “hold through that you can do this and that”
Personal opinion.
In principle, any form of addiction is to be discouraged, both in terms of nutrition, drugs, nicotine, alcohol, gambling addiction, etc. – the obviously harmful. Just like social or private things such as control constraints, quarrel addiction (also I have often experienced this) and also something like a labor addiction.
The easiest way to stay at work is to pursue an activity that you are very happy to do. You can’t just take a addiction like a disease or just decide. A addiction is slowly becoming sneaky – without the person concerned even notices developing it. This is also the dangerous thing, because as soon as one notices it is mostly due to the fact that one is made aware of it by external influences. Diseases caused by smoking, mental problems caused by overload, lack of money due to addiction, etc., or people come to one and talk to it – denying the addiction first.
In addition, it depends on many external and internal factors, even on genetics.
Your question itself is not to answer, neither as nor whether.
My advice at this point: The most important thing is that you’re looking for a job – and that’s the basic right of everyone in this country – you’re also doing WILL. To force oneself to work with which one has not been infected has never really helped anyone for a long time.
Money and recognition