Wie entwickelt sich ein “Gottkomplex”?

Zur Information: Ich schreibe eine Geschichte in der ein Charakter (der Antagonist) von einem “motiviertem und talentierten Jungen” immer mehr zu einem sehr arroganten, kalten Mann wird, der sich selbst unantastbar, göttlich sieht und denkt es liege in seiner Aufgabe die Welt zu verändern.

Daher stellt sich mir die Frage in wie fern so etwas in der Kindheit liegen könnte und ob nicht auch eventuell soziopatische oder psychopatische Tendenzen vorliegen könnten. Es läuft immer weiter aus dem Ruder und wird immer bessessener von einem Ideal und sich selbst.

Ich selbst bin in dem Gebiet nicht so ausgiebig bewandert und hoffe daher auf ein paar Antworten über Zusammenhänge oder anderes.

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3 months ago

Hm. can from childhood, must: but not. There are many possible factors that can lead to a God complex.

Can for example be as good as later Knowledge are based on which the antagonist calls in this case. How to start with chess, for example, and become world champion in no time. Then one assumes playing violin, and masters it, and so on. Or, for example, if you are desperately looking for competition in any area, but you do not find it, even though you are hardly striving for yourself.

Positive reinforcement often plays a role in childhood, i.e. if you create something, it is extrinsically emphasized how difficult things would be for others, and how easy the antagonist managed it here.

3 months ago

Through the corresponding knowledge.

3 months ago

All this sounds to me after the original history of the Lucifer 😎

He projects the same character traits on people. To pull her down.

Once he was the most beautiful and most respected angel. But he wanted more. Nothing could satisfy his desire – because strangely, he found no peace in the vast possibilities he had. He wanted to become more and more new – because he assumed – only then to be happy. But this perverted hunger for More– this depraved greed destroyed him. Why could it come so far?
It was… Powerthat he had directed against himself. His free will and power have destroyed him. If he had the power of God, he would be merciless everything destroy.

Thank God, Lucifer’s power is limited. She was awarded to him to prove what happened to them possess the power but not to deal with it.

The power can destroy… if she is in wrong hands.

This is the more we can appreciate the true love of it – which makes its power just. And this is God alone.

You have to give your figure some power ðŸ ̃‰ and already the story takes its course. Does your figure have a certain profession in a significant position?