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Ich sehe, dass es dazu verschiedene Rezepte gibt und Frage mich was besser gelingt.
Schmeckt Sahne-Frischkäsecreme besser oder Butter-Frischkäsecreme?
Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen ob euch Sahne Frischkäsecreme besser schmeckt oder Butter Frischkäsecreme?
Cream container is treated with nitrous oxide under pressure. When you squeeze in front and the liquid cream with the N2O (Di Nitrogen monooxyd) escapes, the liquid cream flows up and becomes creamy as you know.
The effect is quasi if the propellant, when it comes to contact with oxygen, produces small explosions, or imagine how mineral water, when the carbonic acid spatters like this, and you insert it into a glass as it foams.
In the case of spray cream only very quickly and more vigorously, which immediately foams the liquid cream. The process is very fast. In slow motion, I’m sure there should be something on youtube. Or look for video and turn on slow motion (0.25x speed)
Because salmon gas is used in the spray cream, you must always grin on consumption. It’s fun. The gas escapes without residue XD
Hello..Sprühsahne is nothing more than a liquid cream mixture, which is added up to its sevenfold volume by means of propellant gas. Thus, a creamy mass is produced from the cream sauce, which, depending on the quality and fat content, already collapses within seconds.
by hitting cream. So the name comes, whipped cream.
It’s about spray cream.
yes spray cream is almost the same only is there sugar in it
Ne ne ne…read my gegoogelt answer😁