Wie entsteht eine dünne Linie im Ausdruck eines Laser Color Druckers?

Moin @all:

Habe seit einem Jahr einen HP Laser Color Drucker: Modell MFP 177 nwg

Seit 3 Tagen erscheint neuerdings auf kopierten und eingescannten Seiten eine haarfeine Linie längsseits etwa in der Mitte der Kopie. Die LEDs sind alle komplett und funktionieren. Denn ein Scan / Kopie vom Original auf Vorlagenglas ist ohne diesen Mangel. Der Fehler muss also in der Zuführung liegen.

Geputzt und gewischt habe ich schon. Was kann ich noch tun ?


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11 months ago

The scanner works in two different ways.

On the master glass, the slide is moved with the scan line. Since the result is error-free, the scanner itself is fine.

The ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) pulls the paper over a narrow disk where the scanner slide is parked. Here the paper moves over the scanner, not the scanner slide over the paper.

If a dust grain, scratch or smeared ink of a document has run through the glass strip, this contamination always remains at the same position of the scan line.

So look thoroughly at the area with the narrow glass strip if there are dirt or scratches on it. Dirt can be cleaned away, scratches only polish away – if this is possible at all.

Sometimes a pedestal hangs from below on the glass. Here you have to disassemble the scanner to get rid of it

11 months ago
Reply to  Helvi977

Did it work?

11 months ago

Ever changed the roller unit/tonne cartridge?

11 months ago
Reply to  Helvi977

If it only occurs during scanning (and also because it only occurs during initial drawing), then it cannot lie on roller or toner. In my opinion, there must be any pollution in the automatic process.

11 months ago
Reply to  IchDirk

If it does not occur when printing from the PC, it is not at the output unit. A contamination is probably present in the ADF scanning unit.