How does a fungus develop?
I'm currently watching the series The Last of Us and have always asked myself the question:
How does a fungus develop?
For example, mold in the bathroom. I know under what conditions it forms, but not how exactly?
In a broader sense, is there some kind of "reaction" taking place between, I don't know, organisms, molecules or something like that that suddenly "create a fungus"
Mushrooms are a kind of link between animals and plants, as far as I know. But that doesn't matter. Apart from weeds, I can't think of anything that just "appears" overnight – for no reason.
They are spores which settle on a suitable substrate. In the air are all possible spores, whether mold or higher mushrooms. When a spore reaches a suitable substrate which contains the necessary nutrients, the spore germinates and forms hyphens that form a mycelium. This then grows fruit bodies that we know as a mushroom or fluffy mold. These in turn form new spores. With single-celled mushrooms, this is a bit different from champignons, but it fits roughly.
So Permant’s spores are in the air. But the spores are not in any kind of air, for example Artkis or yet?
Spores can also be in mushroom-away places. Since the weight of spores is negligible depending on the wind intensity, a spore of an African termite can theoretically land in the Spessart. The same also applies to mold pores. Depending on which air layer the spore enters, practically the whole world is open to her. The yellow fly mushroom, actually an American, has been found in Germany for years. The now native squid mushroom comes from Australia.
Spores are also in clothing, adhere to the footwear or reach other continents with food. If they find suitable conditions there, they also germinate. In the Arctic, something of course is unreal, but still there will be spores.
Okay. Then the danger of a mushroom that adapts itself to evol is not so unlikely. Then we can really be happy if our body temperature is too high for most mushrooms – regarding settlement.
Mushrooms multiply over spores.
These spores are small and light, are tolerated by the air over long distances, and if they accidentally land on a surface that meets their requirements, in this case a moist spot in the bathroom, then no one makes them out there and form a new fungal organism.