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1 year ago

The printer needs the perfect manuscript. There are rules for that.

Usually you need a literary agent.

There are also rules for writing and one should have read at least one of the guides. I stopped counting at 30.

It’s important that you’re in a heart condition, the subject, and you have something to say. Then consider the way to this statement and note your waypoints. Consider which figures are most suitable for the purpose and not which models of films you just like.

For a cool head, I would NOT think of names first. Give them names that serve as memory support.

!!! Always wonder why someone should be so interested in these thoughts that he would even spend money on it!!! In good answers: write!

1 year ago

First of all, you need an idea. What do you want to tell? This makes my a plot, a guide. In this plot you dream and develop history. Basically, the story is already finished in the head of the author, even before he wrote the first word.

When the story stands, he sits on it and formulates it sentence for sentence. He creates landscapes and images with words, draws people and their deeds, brings to paper what moves them, creates conflicts and creates tension.

The most important thing, however, is that the author knows from the start how his book will end. If he has no good end, his whole book is worthless.

If he wrote everything, he brings it to a publisher and if he’s lucky, it’s even printed. From there it is no longer in the hands of the author. He can talk about what the cover is supposed to look like, but the rest is taken over by the publisher.

The author can only advertise now and keep his book in the camera everywhere.

1 year ago
  1. Identification
  2. Good writing style (content, spelling, grammar)
  3. What genre should it become
  4. Book cover
  5. Plenty of time, nerves and also money (book cover created by an artist, editor, power, the device to which you write etc.)
  6. Do you want an eBook or a real book or a fan fiction?
  7. Where do you want to publish the book? Offer free at Wattpad? Payable for an online publisher, a real publisher with proper book printing?
1 year ago


  • Identification
  • Plot / basic structure
  • Write a book

Agency (possibly together with author)

  • Create Exposé
  • Selection of suitable publishers
  • Submit Exposé


  • Protector
  • Create Cover
  • ISBN number awarded


  • Create print documents
  • Print
  • Book bind


  • Advertising
  • Advertising
1 year ago

Hey, so too first: Really mega that you have to write a book!

Many always say that you should just write on it, but I don’t think that’s true.

Planning is for me one of the most important things you do before and even while you write the book.

For example, if you want to create your own fantasy world, then planning is all the more important, because otherwise you are still in your whole ideas and what you have already written.

I have shown you three books here that have helped me extremely, especially in planning, writing and one are exercises to improve writing style. All three very good books I’ve got, like to look in:)

Book World Planner: Book World / Writing Tips / Write a book / Create a world and plan / Writer Tips / Guide / Writing Simplify / Planning and Implementation : Krautz, Eva: Books

“Buchbibel” (Synonyms, descriptions, examples): Book Bible / Books / Write synonyms, descriptions and examples / Authors Guide / Notebook / Write Tips / Book / Writing a book / Planer : Krautz, Eva: Books

“Scene Guide” (writing exercises for your style): Scene Guide / Writing Exercises / Writing Exercises / Writing Exercises / Writing Exercises / Writing Exercises : Krautz, Eva: Books

1 year ago

The author needs the idea first. Then he writes all the characters and ideas and plots on lubricant sheets. Then he writes the story on paper. Then he sends all this to a publisher. They’ll read it and see if they publish it. Then, when the book arrives well, the author is signed and the book is printed.

without guarantee, as I have this from a children’s play.

1 year ago

Paper, pen, idea.