Wie entsorgt ihr Tampons?

Hey 😊

Ich fahre bald eine Woche mit der Klasse nach Österreich zum Skifahren und werde dort sehr wahrscheinlich meine Tage bekommen.

Ich benutze Tampons und Binden und wickel die benutzen Tampons und Binden normalerweise in Toilettenpapier ein und tu sie dann in den MĂŒlleimer. Bei Tampons ist das Problem, dass das Blut durch das Toilettenpapier sickert und man es dann sieht. Deswegen hĂ€tte ich da gerne eine andere Lösung da meine Freundinnen das Blut nicht sehen sollen.

Wie macht ihr das und habt ihr da vielleicht Tipps fĂŒr mich?

Danke schonmal 😊

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2 years ago

Hi dear Cleo:-)

This is already very exemplary and correct from you to throw the used bandages and tampons into the garbage bucket. You should also do this on the ski trip with your class. In many accommodation there are also special hygiene bags or muzzles in the bathrooms or toilets, where you can then dispose of suitable products as a woman.

If this is not the case, then wrap the tampon with enough toilet paper, then there is nothing going through. So I always do it, whether at home or when I’m out of my way 😉

I hope I could help you a bit and wish you all the best! If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂


2 years ago
Reply to  CleoundMuemmel

I am very happy to hear 🙂

2 years ago

Your friends also have their period and know that, so simply wrap them in toilet paper. Most often there are in the toilets of youth hostels, school homes, etc. extra bags (hygen bags) for bandages and tampons in the toilet.

2 years ago


As I said, it usually has the bags to pack in. And if there is no one you may take with yourself and pack the one or if you bind and tampon together you can wrap it into the binde and roll in with the packaging of the binde both.


2 years ago

Then wrap it in several layers of toilet paper. In no case in the toilet, as there can be constipation or you take ties instead.

2 years ago

There are hygienic bags, I even know that as a man! And otherwise small garbage bags – which can also be halved/quartered….

2 years ago

Buy hygiene bags or these dog bags do it too.

2 years ago

Gives so hygiene bags that you can buy in the drugstore

2 years ago

Hygiene bag – to buy at dm or Rossmann

2 years ago

Would she sell only fans otherwise flush the toilet down

2 years ago
Reply to  PAYRAY

If you flush them down in the toilet, there can be constipation.

2 years ago
Reply to  PAYRAY

Bro was lichen

2 years ago
Reply to  PAYRAY

otherwise flush the toilet down

…….and risk fighting with overrun toilets during the class trip.

2 years ago
Reply to  Krawallbotz

Winding away in aluminium foil and yards

2 years ago
Reply to  Krawallbotz

Hold any campfire and grill sausages when no one looks throw it in

2 years ago
Reply to  PAYRAY

Tampons and bandages do not belong to the toilet, which can block the toilet.

2 years ago
Reply to  PAYRAY

Tampons, food residues, fat, etc. must not be flushed down in the toilet. This depends annually on damages in millions. This must be fished by hand from the sewer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pixy26

That’s what you think you have the filters like a grid

2 years ago

Just take plastic bags for fruit/ vegetables from the supermarket. Also Austrian women get their days, on women’s pals you will find exact hygienic buckets as in D, I, F, …