Wie entscheiden die Leute bei Kaufland, welche Produkte um wie viel reduziert werden?

Grüße 🖖

Habe heute bei Kaufland, Hänchenbrustaufschnitt gefunden, in der Box wo Artikel sind die kurz vor dem MHD sind.

Normalerweise sind die Nachlässe zwischen 15 und 30%. Doch diesmal war der Nachlass 75%.

Wie entscheidet Kaufland, welche Produkte um wie viel % reduziert werden?

Habe alle 3 Pakete geschnappt. Sehr lecker und noch gut, MHD bis 21.02. Richtig geil mit Sahnemeerrettich 😋. Ihr glaubt nicht was für leckere Gerichte man aus dem Sandwichmaker machen kann.

Euer gesättigter

Sir Andius der zweite und einzig echte

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2 years ago

You get closer to the MHD the more the price is reduced. So easy the story. And since some shops have opened Monday because of carnival or only very shortened the shop was already drastically reduced yesterday because the 21st is already on Tuesday.

And decide to do so by the respective managing directors or market leaders. I even got things for 90% reduction two days ago MHD because it was again a weekend with a subsequent holiday.

2 years ago

This decides in the respective shops of the managing directors

2 years ago

At the time of reduction, the stock was possibly so high that it was assumed that it would no longer be released in time with the usual 15% to 30% reduction.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerCaveman

I had such ideas at Edeka, but it didn’t come. I really checked the thoughts.

2 years ago

That’s what the branch manager decides. In addition, the chicken meat is classified as quickly perishable (salmonella) . Nen Rind or Pig goes to the table. Don’t chicken. Then there will be a holiday (Rosenmontag) until the decay. Reduces the probability of purchase again and then you can make such snaps.

2 years ago

I’m not just setting this up for sale, at Edeka it’s the same, and I also think it’s coincidence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Silo123

Random 😂, yes, the cubes simply 😂

2 years ago

I don’t eat meat for certain reasons, but I feel you.

I can help you with your question.

They do it completely randomly and randomly.

In the back room there is a random generator with all products on the PC.
It will be thrown every day and then prints the labels for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2
