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8 months ago

Take a glass, put some fruit in (small pieces rich), make freshening film over it, tighten it as with a drum and pieks gaaaaanz small holes in it.

It is important that the holes are frayed inward. The flies can easily clean from the outside to the inside, but not out again because the film in the glass has no smooth edges. So:

a few flies will escape whoever males and females are different, but if they are in the glass, you can quickly hold the holes and get the flies out.

The more traps the faster you’ve gathered them all.

Last year Kiwi+Nectarine worked very well, pear+plant didn’t work for it at all. It seems to vary from year to year which fruit is best. Why don’t I know? Maybe baby flies are embossed on certain fruits and eat it most dearly with which they grew up…

So you might have to try something.

8 months ago

Either googeln after flying trap or buy flying trap. The DM’s been helping me. Otherwise, clean away all the perishable and let no fruit lie around openly.

8 months ago

Don’t leave anything stinking in the room (Klamotten zb), don’t leave food.

And Google after fruit flies trap. It’s quite easy.