Wie entferne ich diesen Kratzer?
Wie auf dem Bild zu sehen, hat sich auf meinem Modellauto (Maßstab 1:64) ein schöner Kratzer übers Dach gezogen. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich als Laie diesen Kratzer entfernen kann? Neu bestellen ist nicht, kostet zu viel und das Auto ist kaum noch erhältlich
Fill with the same color.1000 grinding paper and polish?
So you think I can paint it theoretically with cover white?
Isn’t that gray? I’d take it back. Airbrush would also be a possibility .d
The car is white
there are colored watch pencils for such scratches on “right” cars.
Where do I get them and what is the fun?
car accessories or look at amazon or on ebay
Of course, you can do it as many have described here.
1000’s grinding paper, filling, and other.
Since this model is seemingly very important to you and you say “as a layman” repair..
I’d rather imagine. The scratch on the roof will duch amateurish try to get rid of it at the last time only merging.
If you really want to do this – I would buy a similar material as the roof of the car, make a similar scratch in it
and then practice to get this away.
I bet 1€ that it won’t be as easy as described here.
It’s probably getting worse.
What might be better,
Let a professional go. KFZ Lackierer questions. For some money, I could imagine that they could get the better.
Or choose a plastic workshop that could certainly achieve better results.
Here simply search through Google Maps in your area, contact people by phone and act.
I thought to just overpaint the scratch
Yeah, and that’s how it will look.
So then I’d be pers. leave the scratch as it is and build a garage for it. – Then you don’t see it from the far too & it looks at least good from the far
Like I said, I would do it that way.
It’s your model. Your decision. Try it on another piece of plastic and if you are happy with the result then fire free.
in the case of a 2-layer (i.e. base color and clearcoat) and the scratch is in clearcoat, then you could grind it a bit completely (2000-4000)fine water sanding paper and grinding paste and then polish it!!
This is not a 2-layer lacquer.
If you have to ask, you’ll screw it up. Let it go. If, try it with colored wax, that is harmless reversible.
Also theoretically overpainted, with e.g.
There are infinitely many whites and then there is still the surface structure… Go to 99% in the pants.
Polishing agent for piano lacquer (no joke is an all-purpose remedy for scratches on smooth surfaces)
Price 10-20 €