Wie Eltern von e-bass überzeugen?
Ich habe balt Geburtstag und meine Freunde und ich wollen so nh Art “hobby band” machen und ich wollte Bass spielen so und ich will mir da halt eine E-Bass Gitarre zum Geburtstag wünschen allerdings weiß ich nicht wie ich meine Eltern davon überzeugen kann hat wer gute Argumente die ich vorbringen kann?
PS: bin musikalisch hab viele Jahre im Spielmannszug mitgemacht.
In my opinion, apart from motivation, there is no need for reasons or arguments. It’s great if you want to play an intrusion, it’s nothing wrong. Just make your parents realize you really want it. By the way, there are also many good basses in the low-priced area, with 100-150€ one is well done for the beginning – but also think of accessories like an amplifier.
e-bass can play almost any depp. You essentially only need two fingers on the right and left. Of course you need to hold the bass. If you’re only 1.2 meters tall, the part is almost bigger than you. Speak your parents to the simplicity of the instrument, and that you can hold it because you are larger than 1.2 meters.
Oh, you need an amplifier and a box for the part… It’s expensive…
Have you ever asked your parents? If they know how musical you are, it shouldn’t be a problem to get permission. For safety reasons, you should point out that no noise is to be feared, as you can play via headphones.
Maybe you can borrow a bass from a buddy for a couple of days to scatter your parents’ concerns.
Prove them you’re sure you really want to play bass
Find things about the instrument and convince them with your passion