Wie Eltern vom Studium an einer Universität überzeugen?
ich möchte jetzt wahrscheinlich doch an einer Universität studieren. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen soll es werden.
Meine Eltern sind aber eher für eine FH. Ich möchte sie jetzt von der Uni überzeugen. Habt ihr da Argumente?
Es ist auch noch zu sagen, dass ich nach dem Studium zusätzlich eine Berufsausbildung machen werde und das Studium eine Absicherung ist. Ich möchte Pilot werden
Pro FH: Practical details and you can really start with the Bachelor.
If you don’t even know why you want to go to university instead of FH…
I know, but I understand the arguments for the FH well
Why do you have to convince her? This is your decision alone and you have to live with the consequences. I just don’t understand why you want to study if you want to become a pilot anyway.
Because the pilot’s profession is always associated with risks and I don’t want to sit on the street at some point
I also like the economy extremely and it is also a dream, so I want to study it and then look further
It is not fish or meat for me at the second glance. You can’t take care of all risks in life. If I imagined I would get an application to my table from nem business engineer who, after studying, made a pilot training and now wants to start 6 years after studying with me… and compare it with someone with 6 years of professional experience is clear to me who I would invite.
So the study has several advantages:
Therefore, the best
It is Your You don’t have to convince anyone. Draw Your You have to master your life!
Just study what you want, that’s not the decision of your parents
your life a decision.