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4 months ago

You know your parents better than we do, and you know better how to get them.

If you don’t like it, you can’t buy the part.

4 months ago

Then just buy it yourself. What are you gonna do if it’s your own money?

4 months ago
Reply to  HarmonyZ

Probably the FS is inferior. Then he/she cannot conclude an effective purchase contract with appropriate money via an article that parents have forbidden.

4 months ago
Reply to  DerCaveman

But, keyword pocket money paragraph

4 months ago

Where in the fully quoted paragraph is something of a hoechst amount or above all something of an amount? No way! Because the price doesn’t matter.

The word “pocket money” is nowhere. And for free use, the money was not made when the parents said, “You can’t buy that part.” On the contrary, the free power of dumping was correspondingly reduced by this ban.

4 months ago

The price does not matter.

Yes, he does.

And yes, you already say it yourself – if the money is available (whether we were back at the pocket money…), she can.

4 months ago

All right, I’ll have to explain it again. 🤦

The paragraph (BGB § 110) reads: “A contract concluded by the minor without the consent of the legal representative shall be deemed to be effective from the outset if the minor effects the contractual performance by means of means; for this purpose or for free have been left to a third party by the representative or with his consent.”

For this purpose, he/she has not received the means before and if the parents have forbidden the purchase, the free utilisation force has also been correspondingly reduced. In this case, the minor cannot therefore conclude an effective purchase agreement on the relevant article.

The price does not matter. If the parents have not forbidden it and the minor has received the money from them or with their consent to free use, he can also conclude a new Ferrari from the outset with a fully effective purchase contract.

4 months ago

Yes, that’s the child. There are exceptions, of course, such as cell phone contracts or very expensive things, but we are talking about a blanket here. As long as it does not cost 500€, it is allowed to buy them from their pocket money.

4 months ago

It doesn’t help if parents have banned the purchase.