Wie einer Freundin helfen, die aus dem Studium geworfen wurde?
Hallo allerseits,
eine enge Freundin hat gerade erfahren, dass sie nach 3 Semestern Studium eine Prüfung zum dritten Mal nicht bestanden hat und nun ihren Prüfungsanspruch verloren hat, also zwangsexmatrikuliert wird.
Sie tut mir so unfassbar leid, doch ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll! „Alles wird wieder gut“, „ist doch bloß ein Studium“ ? Klingt alles blöd! Sie mochte ihr Studium sowieso nicht wirklich, sie studierte, um nach dem Abi nicht faul zuhause zu sitzen. Dennoch weiß ich, dass es ihr den Boden unter den Füßen wegreißt, jetzt „ohne Nichts“ da zu stehen und 3 Semester umsonst waren. Sie hat sich sehr für diese Prüfung bemüht, doch leider erfolglos. Sie wollte erstmal in Ruhe gelassen werden, doch ich weiß nicht, wie ich ihr helfen kann, sobald sie wieder in der Lage ist, sich zu melden.
Hat vielleicht jemand Erfahrungen mit solch einer Situation? Ich möchte sie so gern aufmuntern, dass etwas Besseres für sie bestimmt ist und sie eines Tages darüber lachen kann. Sie ist eine, emotional eher auf Distanz setzende, Person, die ihren eigenen Kopf hat. Ein faules „alles wird gut“ möchte ich ganz sicher nicht liefern.
Vielen lieben Dank!
She wants to be alone. So it’s better if you leave her alone. It actually shows that after the first time they had to remember where their weaknesses are. It will have reasons why she didn’t pack it after that. A good friend (or a good friend) would you be if after a certain time you simply ask them how their future plans are now. To achieve the goals, you can still be a good listener and supporter. Often it comes “plated”, just to say “it’s gonna be okay.” No, it’ll only be if she does something for it. Think about what study they would have liked to see where their future plans are, what they really care about. At the moment, she’ll still be slingshot and have to rest. But an auxiliary offer to listen to her is a beautiful beginning in the form of “if you need someone to talk, please contact me”.
Just DANKE! such a great, detailed answer.
It’s just 1 year shift, so actually no loss.
If you want to study something individually prepared. Then you get sweated xd
I see you’re called economic student. She studied WiWi! What a coincidence
Joa the basic subjects like to filter out the people, but after that it is quite relaxed:D
Yes, she didn’t pass Mathe.
I mean, this is really a pretty “normal” situation. I don’t know how this is with you, but with us there’s a good 50% (more) flown from your studies.
It’s not a leg break, it’s “normal.” The majority will be checked out. Thus, the probability of studying is less than to be checked out. If she’s just studying anyway to just have studied something, maybe even better.
Now she has the opportunity to do something that matches her interests and strengths. This can be a different study or training. I would use the time now first to see what she actually wants to do and to then to decide for a new training (and that does not have to be a study).
You’re right! But if I were to fly out of my studies, honestly sentences like “most fly out, that’s normal” I think I’d pull down even more Even if it is of course well meant
So all those who flew out with us and with whom I had contact afterwards did something else to them. And actually, all of them were quite satisfied with it – because after that they knew what their weaknesses/strengths are and were able to choose something in the second run that made them much more fun and matched their strengths much more…
That sounds great! I’m glad. Thank you!
Make my best wishes. I studied for free a total of 8 semesters and do not regret it in the aftermath. I have taken a lot of time without graduation.
Not every experience you make in life is a positive one.
Sounds stupid, but as long as you have made a few new acquaintances through your studies and had a few nice moments during your studies (Parties ;-)), not everything was in vain.
Thank you. And it’s nice that you’re happy to look back on this memory.
She didn’t really like her studies anyway, she studied to not sit at home after Abi.
Sorry, but then it’s really her own fault.
Why didn’t she look for the Abi what she was interested and fun?
She didn’t know what to do. And then she has said that most, but not really. It has nevertheless made a great effort to pass this examination.
What module?
So I can tell you that you can even get a 4th visit with a hard request or later orally I even heard. But that’s a pure practice. If you think you can, you lie to yourself. More than 100x practice, even if you hate it D:
I believe math from the 1st semester
You explain that not everyone is made for an academic runway. Some people think it’s given to them. No, there’s also a university to separate the wheat. She’s supposed to do a vocational training. Handicrafts in energy and heating. This has golden ground.
There are many people who have aborted or had to cancel their studies. She should go inside and think where her real interests lie. That’s all you can tell her.
Okay, great, I’ll advise her. Thank you.
She’s not there with anything. Can’t you do that after a few years or in another federal state?
No, you can’t. Anyone who has failed the third-party attempt must never complete the same course of study anywhere in DE.
Then she should make it hard abroad
Well. I think I’m totally normal and maybe a second time. But if I know that I have only one more attempt, because my studies have not passed, then I would put myself right on the butt and take remedies, participate in learning groups, etc. And if it still hasn’t been enough, I think it’s appropriate to reflect on myself and to consider what it is.
If I read that,
…is clearly what it was: it probably doesn’t have a ball on this subject.
Three times a test can happen.
Or wonder if it’s the right study if you didn’t pass it in vain.
She’s not there with “nothing.” Many have trained or even worked before. And everyone has a school degree.
Some politicians have started studying and never finished, earning themselves stupid and stupid… so exactly 0 is lost.
If she didn’t pass an exam, three times, I’d say… it’s already his reason. Then it’s not your direction. Should they immatricate somewhere else and try something else, or just apply…
For what it was good, you often know only Hmyears later. Maybe it wasn’t for nothing. Apparently, it wasn’t the right thing anyway if it didn’t pass despite all the efforts.
is not your thing
You must be a great friend and listener
sorry then they testify that they should stay in and use because don’t give up the description read
Unfortunately, she can’t stay in there as she got kicked out.