Wie einem Hund laut bei bringen?


Meine Schwester möchte unserem Hund das Kommando,, laut ” bei bringen. Wir wissen aber beide nicht wie man das macht. Also wie bringt man einem Hund das Kommando laut bei?

Für alle die es nicht wissen : Laut heiß das der Hund dann bellen soll.

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9 months ago

You sit next to the dog, your sister in front of you both with Tasterli. Then she gives the order and you bark. She pretends she’s rewarding you and you’re smiling. The dog will get that pretty fast and make it up 😊.

9 months ago

It’s a two-sided matter, because normally dogs are supposed to be prevented from barking. Bringing them to the Belling command requires general obedience. Seat, place, out, secure retrieval should precede this.

Why should a dog bark on command? What is the purpose of this?

Debelling is part of the protective dog training which is only trained after previous tests.

As a fun factor of insecure dog holder contrast when other termination signals do not work. For how is this supposed to be a dog that is otherwise battered for silence and then not because you want it. You need a hand to make no misunderstandings.

It is comparable to dog allowed on the sofa, only unfortunately not when it is wet and dirty. He doesn’t understand. However, he is subordinate to a long process without disturbing confidence.

It’s not that difficult to bring a dog to the bark. It’s only 3 seconds to confirm that he’s right now. Abort of any behaviour is going ahead.

9 months ago

go to the dog school – you can learn a lot!

9 months ago
