Wie ein motzendes Familienmitglied pflegen?
Heyy, meine Mutter hat MS (=Multiple Sklerose) und wir (mein Vater, mein älterer Bruder und ich (15)) müssen Sie nun pflegen. Doch sie reklamiert die ganze Zeit, zählt uns auf, was wir alles falsch machen und ist auch sonst ziemlich negativ. Es ist ziemlich mühsam und oft kommt es auch zu einem Streit. Habt ihr Tipps, wie wir damit umgehen können? Danke für die Antwort 🙏!
(Sie hat kaum noch Kraft und kann zum Teil nicht mal selbst mehr essen und aufstehen, geschweige denn laufen)
Und bitte schreibt nicht, sie gehöre in ein Pflegeheim, denn das will sie nicht.
Ask your health insurance for courses if you care for relatives. A relative of me made the course because she wanted to maintain her mother-in-law. She was relieved after, she said the course helped her in many ways, and she could ask many questions. There are also online care courses and individual trainings. Many health insurance companies also take over the costs. https://www.aok.de/pk/care services/care courses coaching/
And here’s another help from the AOK. https://pflege.aok.de
Such pages are also available from other health insurance companies. Depending on where you are insured.
Besides, people who can’t do much can of course be very boring, and they are frustrated and then leave it to others. Maybe there’s the possibility that she gets a TV and she can use it with a remote control itself. Even if she doesn’t want to. Just put your remote.
If she can still read her magazines and books. If you’re boring, maybe she’ll read it anyway.
Also just lay down things for painting or crossword puzzles.
Television has it. But with writing, painting etc. does not work so well… read it also does, but if it is not in therapy (physio,…) and has enough power, it does “force exercises” (can not now be compared with those of healthy people). Otherwise, she can often just close her eyes…
How about a REHA (stop multiple sclerosis)?
Here you go somewhere else for your mother (change for her, breathing for all others). You get to know other people with the same destiny and can possibly become familiar. Pick up tips that are useful for everyday life. New friendships grow up like that.
Also important:
Exercises (either from the area of Physio, Ergo, Logo or REHA sports), not 1 times a week, but always if she doesn’t know what to do. From each of these areas there are exercises for home. Either the REHA, or the therpeuts at your place. Of course, your mother has to stick to it and also want. Otherwise, the consequence is that at some point it only vegetates before itself. Body and mind must always have something to do, otherwise muscles or cells are broken down.
In addition, she could use conversations with other MS patients. Is there virtual as a video conferencing.
The DMSG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Multiple Sklerose) is a good starting point for relatives and affected persons: They also help in finding therapists or addresses for REHAs and much more.
Thank you. But she already has therapy 4 times a week and Reha once a year…
But we haven’t tried the online conversation with other Ms people yet
The best way to request information from the DMSG. They can tell you the shortest ways to the next MS table. The information about online static tables can be different. But when asked in the MS-Connect forum, there are certain ideas.
I know what you’re writing – was a nurse and have had many years of experience.
If you want to keep in touch with me, please do a PN or FA – you can’t pack it in comments – is far too personal.
First advice: come down – this is a big burden. Get advice wherever you can. Search for a kind of “network” for this topic.
I wish you all the strength.
It can also take care of an outpatient care of your mother. She doesn’t have to go to a nursing home.
The MD or her pediatrician can advise you.
We already have caregivers, but at the edge times (morning and evening) we care for them