Wie ein ganzes Jahr abstinent bleiben?
Möchte ein Jahr keinen Alkohol und keine Zigarette anrühren. Einen Vorsatz für dieses Jahr hab ich zwar nicht gefasst (hätte sowieso vor 5 Tagen wieder damit gebrochen), aber das muss der Sache ja keinen Abbruch tun. Das Ding bei mir ist leider, ich kann für 2- 3 Wochen mal aussetzen, dann überkommt mich aber ein ziemlich heftiges craving und dann muss ich einfach was trinken.
So läuft es seit Jahren bei mir und auch wenn ich damit keine Besonderheit darstelle, sehe ich dieses Trinkverhalten selbst als problematisch, da ich das Gefühl habe, der Alkohol hat mich eher im Griff, als ich ihn und das gilt genauso fürs Rauchen.
Wie ich das abstellen kann oder zum. ein neues Trinkverhalten erlernen kann, wo ich nicht nach 2- 3 Wochen Pause diesen starken Drang verspüre, darauf hätte ich gern von euch ne Antwort, vielleicht wart oder seid ihr ja in der selben Situation, zwar kein Alki, aber halt auch nicht völlig unabhängig zu sein, was sich ja wohl oder übel irgendwie über die Jahre so bei mir eingeschlichen zu haben scheint. Tipps oder Ratschläge? (alles ausser Selbsthilfegruppen)
You’re an alcoholic and you should find help. It would be useful to visit an AA group near you.
I’ve never had a problem with drinking. I gave up smoking 20 years ago with the help of the book Finally non-smoking (from 60 a day to 0 a day within one day).
Much more will not help you with your alkhol disease. You probably don’t want to see a addiction.
But it’s gonna be honest, everyone drinking alcohol drinks regularly. You’d have to call everyone an alcoholic, wouldn’t you? And that’s where I’m going to cut off a couple of bottles every two weeks, so why are you going to hire me as an alcoholic? If the other is, or what about me is so much different than with other people?
No. Alcoholic is one if one is unable to resist the desire for alcohol. Or how you write yourself “I have the feeling that the alcohol is more in control“
If I have to drink, although I actually don’t want to (with you this is like after 3 weeks of abstinence), I am an alcoholic.
“Heiling of Alcoholism” works not with convenient online question response platform.
“Tipps” for abstinent behavior can be viewed tens of thousands on caritative alcohol-outcome sites, but the actual work is to be done by the sick person. And this job goes over years if you don’t give it up for relapses.
If you don’t think to use or tolerate self-help groups, it’s just a question of money whether you’ll get a single-language therapy place with a specialist. After a proper waiting period.
Basically, your description shows little suffering pressure, so I think that you will turn a few years and rounds of honor before you get into grips with what is not going to be taken seriously.
Yes, I’m afraid that’s the same – even if I have drastically reduced my consumption of alcohol, compared to a few years ago.
Strings “feared”, set by “expect”
I’m not happy either.
“Search” (“extension”) is clearly defined medically. In order to be medically diagnosed as addictive, several criteria must be met simultaneously. I do not meet these criteria (more).
You seem to be 1 little addiction yourself, or (deine information about consequences)?
I didn’t smoke, but I drank a bottle of red wine 0.75l every night.
Then I got a slight stroke 3 years ago, and I was advised to stop with the alcohol, which I kept for 1.5 years.
But in the end, the most difficult thing was the knowledge that nix is doing more, and that had greatly minimized my quality of life.
So I talked to my doctor and he asked me how much I mean I should drink to be content with it and I said 2/8. So 1/8 before dinner as aperitif and 1/8 after dinner as a final.
He said okay if I really don’t drink anymore! And this has been working for 1.5 years now and my labs are okay.
plain: nix is barely to stop if there is no health NoGo.
Just consider how much maximum you “use” of cigarettes and alcohol, and try to keep it consistent. That would be my advice.
I’m sorry for you. In fact, it always thought that red wine would actually be health-promoting even in terms of stroke patients. My consumption of alcohol is almost limited to beer, wine very rarely and schnapps or liqueur not at all.
When I was younger, I drank a lot more, as the beer belongs more or less to the good tone at the construction site, so I got used to the whole thing, but when I got sick 10 years ago and I was hired medimalently, as I said, my drinking activities are limited to 2 max 3x a month.
But to be honest, the medis in combination with alcohol cause very doll headaches, so it usually never becomes more than 3 bottles. I know you don’t want to take alcohol and tablets together before any smart-shit, I know people…
Take a look at sports, model construction, excursions, courses etc. Avoid people who smoke and drink.
The problem is your dependence, which will stop you. You need professional help, even if you don’t want to. Your fails in recent years are the best evidence of this.
What do you mean Fails?
Mistakes -> How I have been running for years
you need a search advice, contact the anonymous alcoholic
I don’t think I’m old enough. Need another approach.
I expected that only the alcoholics who arrived at the very bottom will allow to be dependent/ addictive. all the others have in mind, but that keeps you just a few days.
I am more or less proud of this when I think back about past times. Compared to that, I’m a choir boy today.