Wie durchgedrehte Gewindeschraube rausbekommen?


ich habe eine lange Gewindeschraube (vermute M2), die auf halber Strecke aufgegeben hat. Das heißt, sie steckt im Gewinde und dreht durch. Ich kann sie weder weiter reinschrauben noch wieder rausschrauben.

Was würde ein Fachmann machen?



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2 months ago

You can try to pull the screw out.

To do this, you take a fixable pliers (grip pliers), clamp them onto the screw head and turn them to the left while you pull them at the same time.

Or you put a matching spacer next to the screw, then take a small fork wrench that you, like a nail iron, clamp under the screw head and with which you then leverage like a rocker while you try to screw the screw out at the same time.

2 months ago

Turn the screw out under tension. So turn and pull simultaneously.

2 months ago
Reply to  Volkmann74

A better tip than a smaller pliers and squeezed fingers I don’t know now 😀 With luck, holding only with the fingers🤷

2 months ago

Yeah, thread can be cut. You just need the right tool and a good YouTube video for the basics.

Maybe it’s enough to clean the thread and screw it in a few times. Provided the thread is not too severely damaged.

The main thing is now to get the screws out first

2 months ago

Uff, my condolences Maybe thread cutting is really the best option to give the screw more clearance.

But the situation is really not beautiful😬

2 months ago

Unfortunately, I haven’t quite gotten through to what part of the threaded bushing ultimately belongs 😅 I’m afraid that it will have to be redrawn or at least the thread, otherwise you’ll meet the same problem directly. The second screw in the picture went smoothly? As probably should be… Before installing the new frame, I would always make several dry runs with screw and thread in order to be sure that the thread does not rotate and does not again block anything and then screw the frame. And clear, oil is ne idea, you can try 🤷

2 months ago

I had also thought, but then I looked at the pictures again and rejected the thoughts again. As it looks on the photos, the thread is nowhere on the front side and can accordingly not be pressed against a counter nut somewhere and secured against twisting. You can try it anyway

2 months ago

If it’s twisted, the thread is probably over. If there’s really nothing left, it’s probably just boring out and cutting thread

2 months ago

There only helps drill. if necessary try to pull with a thread cutter for left thread. But this is probably too small.

If you have a supernatant, sweat. Heat material?

All a beautiful skirt