Wie drückt ihr euch im Büro vor zusätzlichen Aufgaben?

Ich habe bereits ein breites Spektrum an Strategien entwickelt, um zusätzliche Aufgaben abzuwehren und möchte dieses gerne erweitern. Deshalb bin ich sehr aufgeschlossen für eure Ideen.

Ich habe an anderen Kollegen beobachtet, dass Fleiß oft einfach mit mehr zusätzlichen Aufgaben ohne zusätzliches Gehalt belohnt wird.

Wie drückt ihr euch im Büro vor zusätzlichen Aufgaben?

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7 months ago

Hide in the recycle bin when the boss comes to distribute tasks.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

I’m your boss and I’ve looked through you!

6 months ago

Fleiß often does not play the role in commercial enterprises. The power can be measured only indirectly, and this is also only by five corners. As an office man, you are doing more or less just necessarily annoying pawns of the company to the authorities…

Such a job becomes problematic only in the case of a rough touch on your part.

A good relationship with your prerogatives is certainly positive…


Your work has to be consistent, but you have to show limits by focusing passively as overloaded, in doubt be diffracted with intense work (video surveillance); but if you really work internally – so cognitively is there… It must look externally for work.

There is no way to get involved in conversations on the gang, and if then immediately stop it – on the grounds, you have to continue working… unfortunately no time… I will not finish…

Employees are often recruited by the bosses to other employees with chateries to explore their “free capacities”…

There is no better way to sniff free capacities.

Wear the tank of the “overloaded” openly with you.

7 months ago

Either the ten great A of leadership: “Sliding all the work done to others, then scouring, but decent!”

Or the gull tactics: fluttering, screaming, yelling all, blowing out.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

You have to make a noise and shoot yourself at a victim.

7 months ago

If you have kids, they’re the excuse for everything.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

There is the possibility of the so-called serial letter for a variety of recipients. You have also taken an example that is a long-term task. If you want to press daytime overtime before daytime, you will find a disease or a doctor’s appointment or a longer planned activity with your child.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

If the boss knows that there’s little to do right now, he’ll handle his store. Then additional tasks for employees do not mean overtime, but employment for money, which he must pay anyway. Keeping employees hanging out for deaf nuts is bad for the record.

7 months ago

Not at all. I just make them hide xD vlt under the table 🤣