Wie drehe ich nicht durch in meinem Leben?

Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter, ich bin ein kaputter Mensch. Hört mir mal zu, ich habe nie Freunde gehabt, nie Hobbys, nie richtig Interessen. War immer ein Mitläufer. Bin M/22 und habe noch nie eine Frau umarmt, geküsst und hatte noch nie Sex dementsprechend. Genug gesagt.😓

Ich bin psychisch und physisch krank, studiere dumm rum ohne Ziel. Nehme 4 Medikamente am Tag.

Hasse meine Familie die mich psychisch mit zerstört hat, hatte auch keine Jugend und war Mobbing Opfer.

Wofür lebe ich noch. Seid mal ganz ehrlich.

Verschwende meine angeblich besten Jahre, mein Leben ist für die Mülltonne. Für den Biomüll. Zocke nicht mal ein Spiel. Ich bin nur im Internet. Es ist aussichtlos, bin ein Hoffnungsloser Fall. Therapie auch unnötig.

Was jetzt mit so einem Leben?

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6 months ago

Honestly, I’m a little bit exactly that with the relationships and friends, but don’t give up on bro it will certainly come better times.

6 months ago

First of all, your amount tells me that you recognize your situation and that you don’t like it. He also tells me you want to live differently.

Question: Who or what prevents you from living another life? It’s your life and you’re trying to determine what it’s gonna look like.

You are just as important and valuable to any other person, and you have a right to a good life. That’s why take it in your hand and do something. What better than death can and will you find everywhere. You have nothing to lose but to win.

Let yourself in spirit a picture of how you desire your life and then start to realize this picture. One goes fast and easy, for others you will need years or a whole life. But you’re gonna succeed, you can’t give up.

6 months ago
Reply to  WasZum09

Don’t complain about the past. Look into the future and find your way to happiness. You can also live satisfied without a driver’s license or simply purchase it. I see: on your picture there’s a car next to the house. Let’s get to the subject. Something’s always going.

6 months ago

You have a choice like everyone. You can be someone else tomorrow and you should go. Set goals and try to get out of this hole.

I’m sorry.

6 months ago
Reply to  WasZum09

I myself am also a pain patient and have to fight with some diseases. But I learned to deal with it and live a good life. You can. Of course you have the choice, either you let yourself be undermined by your pain or you’re putting something against him.
There are many ways to deal with it. I myself worked a lot with positive self-suggestion, with various other forms of therapy and thus – added after a long time – had good success.

6 months ago
Reply to  WasZum09

Where are the pains coming from? Did you let that check?

You obviously have depressions. I often see you. But you can change something.

6 months ago

Are the psychological consequences of a life as a man. That’s why I recommend to every man to be a hot woman. Then you easily adjust the controller in the game from ultra brutal to super.

If that goes too far then like other scholars have written Friendshipmaxxing. I would add Religionmaxxing and Sportmaxxing

6 months ago
Reply to  WasZum09

Is it true?

6 months ago

Hello WasZum09,

I don’t think you’re a “hopeless case” and I want to tell you why I think so.

You write that you’ve never had friends before. But friendships are absolutely important so that we feel emotionally comfortable and balanced. We humans have not been created as single-goers, but need the close community of others to remain mentally healthy in the long term.

This is not so easy in today’s time! Many think only of themselves and their own advantage and are therefore impracticable for real friendships. So it can happen easily that you have to deal with many people every day, but no one is there who really cares for one. This makes loneliness quick.

In a book it says: “Loneliness is not a disease, loneliness is a healthy hunger, a natural sign that we lack friendships” ( Search of Intimacy). A little consolation may be for you that you do not consider this problem alone. Nonetheless, you should not sink into impunity, because being alone is not an unchangeable fate! So what could you do?

If you have problems finding good friends, of course that can have many causes. One could be that you are in your own way. I mean, that it’s important how you stand for yourself.

For example, if you look at yourself as not lovable or unattractive, you will probably have great problems with going to others because you think you could be rejected. If this happens to you, it is time to think about your negative self-image and to correct it if necessary.

What could you do, for example, when it comes to the external appearance? I think it’s natural for you that you pay attention to an appealing exterior, but you don’t have to be dressed fashionably. If you care well and dress so that you feel comfortable with it, it certainly helps you to become safer inside and it’s easier for you to approach others.

Even if the appearance is important, you should not overdo it. If you just focus on it, you get cramped and stiff. Rather, it is important that you have a life-threatening inner attitude. And that definitely has a positive effect on your radiation.

For example, there is hardly anything that looks more attractive than a friendly smile. If you add a pinch of humor, others will feel automatically attracted to you. That’s not all!

If you want to win real friends, it’s also important to be open. This means that you tell others about you and your life and let them know what’s going on in you. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’re too open-hearted and trust every one of your inner secrets. First, there must be a certain basis of trust before you reveal your inside. However, this is best created when you give yourself as you really are and not as you think what others expect from you.

If you’re all yourself in dealing with people and don’t try to do something to others, you’ll get a lot better off with others without question. In conversations, you should not only tell yourself about yourself, but also be interested in your counterpart. Ask him and listen well! Yes, an open exchange of thought is for a friendship the A and O!

If you want to find friends, it’s important to have even the qualities of a good friend. Someone once said, “There is only one way to win friends; to be one themselves” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). The key to this is the selfless interest in others. This is what Jesus Christ once said about this, and what has become known as the “Golden Rule”: “How you want people to do to you, so do to them” (Luke 6:31).

You are a selfless friend, especially if you like to give. Yes, if you are more important than your own preferences and conveniences, then you are actually a real friend!

The Bible’s Council is also very suitable for this: “Blessing is giving as reception” (Acts 20:35). Dominated in a relationship giving, then it not only promotes friendship, but makes you even much happier! Unfortunately, this is often forgotten in today’s time and so many friendships go back to the breaks.

So you see, there are many ways to win people as friends. If you take note of and implement these tips, you will probably not be so lonely one day and have more people around you who love and appreciate you. And stay on the ball even if the results may be waiting for you. To be successful, endurance is definitely required!

LG Philipp

6 months ago


Feeling with you my family have already felt mentally destroyed me and others…

But can’t you go to the therapist or something?

And why don’t you have anyone?

And seriously you don’t care if you’re still a virgin, I guess you’ll be going to happen and if not there are other things.

6 months ago

You’re so young, you can make a lot of your life. At 22, my life ran everything but perfect. I was also looking for the right job xD

Keep developing in life, believe me the rest comes from alone

6 months ago


this forum is completely inappropriate – here you meet exactly the people who could not help you so far – helplessness!

The right start-up partner is a psychiatric consultation. Don’t worry, they’re just under the doctor’s secret!

There you can sign your state of mind and get good advice.

Here is an Internet address, search for something in >Deiner Nearby:

https://psychenet.de/de/hilfe-find/fast aid/crisis startpoints.html

Best regards from Leipzig

6 months ago
Reply to  AlterLeipziger

He gets good tips here ^^ but if you don’t want to start 🙈

6 months ago

seek friends and meet with them irl and sublime something. friendshipmaxxing is the only way out. you have to be frindshippilled. Don’t give up. is alpha

6 months ago
Reply to  INternetCELeb

tomcruisemaxxing is the only way

6 months ago
Reply to  MenschDNA

caught in the brain

6 months ago

prep prep prep

fact check: ʿ

6 months ago

I will soon reach OT VIII