How to get rid of pushy people?
Here's the scenario: I was driving calmly at 80 km/h on a highway in the dark, following two trucks. Another truck was coming closer and closer from behind, following me extremely closely. I don't even know how to describe it to make it sound as dramatic as it was.
He also started lurking here and there, hoping he could overtake, but when it finally became possible after a while on a long straight stretch, he didn't. Instead, he got even closer, which I wonder how that was even possible. In that situation, you think to yourself, why can't you either finally overtake or keep your damn distance.
His behavior really scared me. Especially when I had to turn at a spot where there was no turn lane. So I signaled early enough. Did it occur to the truck driver that he might have to brake? Of course not.
Then I started to brake gently to avoid him overtaking me. The gap remained unchanged. Then I gradually had to brake harder, which must have made the truck driver feel compelled to do so, given how startled and sudden he was when he slammed on the brakes.
Since his masterful driving and braking skills weren't enough, I had to swerve into the empty oncoming lane just before turning. The driver then politely thanked me with a persistent flash of headlights and a honk of his horn.
Regardless of how foresighted and careful he was driving, how can you signal to tailgaters while driving that they should keep more distance without endangering them, themselves, or others? I suppose activating the hazard lights would certainly not be appropriate or even legal. Would the hazard lights even provide an unmistakable signal, or would the tailgater be unable to make use of them? I would like to somehow protect myself from being on the verge of an accident in such a situation again.
Thank you in advance for your answers and for your perseverance in reading.
This is always annoying and has happened to me several times. Normally, it doesn’t bother me, and from me, they can clean my rear window, act on the light horn, bulldozers like a pipe patch or wild with the arms. However, if this really goes to the pointer and I can’t change the lane and overtake it, I’m going to the brake pedal depending on 1x or 2x. Not that I actually severely decelerated, but so that the back then wakes up. It usually helps. But of course this is not recommended for imitation. That is why I would not call this a good tip.
Oh, yes, I do. Just at unrestricted speed, the brake pedal stopped tapping with the left foot so that the brake lights spark. In most cases, there is a lot of space between me and the backman.
They don’t learn the other way. I don’t want to let the trunk be pushed into the glove compartment if I really have to slow down and the rear man doesn’t keep a distance
I just don’t want someone to do it, and that’s how the car crashes because he or she doesn’t do it well, and someone’s back on it. Then it’s called the one of GF’s written that you do. You just have to be careful. I know one of those who wanted to do this, but that’s how the other one knocked in the trunk.
I guess that’s true, but every morning there’s a thunder. So rather be a little more cautious…
Well, then he was stupid 😂
The fact that you don’t get into the iron without any reason should be clear to everyone and has not been communicated here. If you misinterpret it, you can’t help it anymore.
I used to have such a dringer behind me.
I couldn’t get faster and since I had some before me, I couldn’t even get quicker but was still pushed.
My singer even liked to use the light horn.
I then turned on the warning blinker and brought my car to a standstill. Kindly, I asked him if he saw a defect in my car or what he wanted to point me with his light horn.
He didn’t say much, but instead of going off, I woke him past me.
I had that on a traffic light with a driver of the popular SternAuto. He missed two green phases. Finally, I first examined the rear section of my car for his death. He might have recognized a serious defect. Then I asked kindly smiling if what’s broken on my car. He sneaked in anger and yelled at me. I laughed inside. I’ve turned out to be stupid. 🤪
I’d have overtaken the others.
To make it short, in such a case, I drive out and let him overtake. 40 tons in the cross kill you. Whether he’s penned, cried, his logistics next door is on the phone, who knows.
You should have let him go. He would have been guilty.
Take bloss nix when you burn in the car.
Guilt might have the other. But you have the loss of value and the race for all the crap. It wouldn’t be worth it personally.
In itself, a good idea if you want to scrape your car, because it is barely profitable.