Wie donated man einem Twitch Streamer?
bin neu auf der Plattform ich will nur wissen wie es geht hab vorher auf YouTube geschaut dort wird gesagt das man in den Chat „!donate“ tippen muss oder in die Beschreibung des Streamers schauen muss Hab beides probiert in der Beschreibung war nichts und bei !donate ist auch nichts passiert? Wenn man kein Geld senden kann, kann man dann auf eine andere Art und Weise donaten, zB mit Bits oder so?
Have never done it yourself, but I know you can buy 1/10/100… poisoned subs. The easiest way is to pay PayPal
Do you mean this “delete”?
Yeah, that’s Abos. However, it can also be that the streamer has deactivated that, just because he does not want to take any donations. As already written in an answer, best ask the streamer even if it is live.
Many have a donation link on their profile, but not all. Some have offered or where you can write !donate or similar, but that’s different. Some don’t accept donations.
Otherwise there are generally twitch bits and subs. You can donate bits and you can subscribe for 5€ in the month(the streamer gets half).
If he’s just streaming, you can just ask how to donate.
If I offered the streamer which is worth 1 cent, will the streamer get the 1 cent?
That’s right. For each bit, the streamer gets a US client.
But you can only pay out from $100.
From August, Twitch lowers the limit to $50 so smaller streamers don’t have to wait for their money.
Yeah, right.
You have to collect $100 before twitch pays it.
That’s about $100?