Wie dolle spürt man Tilidin?

Hey an die leute die es schonmal genommen haben

Wie dolle spürt man Tilidin? Ich habe von nem Kumpel 100mg bekommen und wollte das jetzt mal probieren, frage mich aber wie dolle das sein wird?

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7 months ago

Do you need a search to make yourself a slave?

Everything works, depending on bodyStatur and sensitivity. Everyone else.

In all, however, it is the same that a search node needs more and more of it in the course of application.

7 months ago

so I don’t know the dosis I had at that time but I threw 2 pills out of my habit (ibu also needs more) and I was quite intoxicated.
has turned like when I’m so drunk. 😀

not to underestimate that.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

First psychoactive effects can already be felt in the low double-digit milligram range. It means that a quarter of a 100 mg pill can already be sufficient.

How exactly a substance acts on a human being can never be foreseeable. Anywhere effects may also be side effects. And people can react very differently to active ingredients. In doubt, you should do “too low” than “too high”. Especially when it comes to drugs that are strongly associated with dependence.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the consumption of tilidine can be found here: