Wie diesen einen Satz formulieren?
Ich schreibe gerade ein Bewerbungsanschreiben.
In der Schule hatte ich ein Fach Übungsfirma. Dort habe ich im Büro gearbeitet. Wir waren eine Übungsfirma, wo wir mit anderen Übungsfirmen gearbeitet haben. Wir haben Briefe (Bestellung, Rechnung und Anfragen) erstellt. Rechnungen gebucht.
Wie kann ich dies in guten Sätzen formulieren? In 1-2 Sätzen.
In the subject of “practicing company” offered at my school, I was able to acquire basics of a later professional life. The networking with other training companies and the training of business correspondence (inquiries, orders, invoices) played a major role.
At school I had a subject of training company. I worked in the office there. We were a training company where we worked with other training companies. We created letters (order, invoice and inquiries). Invoices booked.
In class, I completed a subject called “praising company”. My workplace was in the office where we worked together as a training company with other facilities of the same type.
Our task was to write orders, invoices, and answer questions.
All the details in one (!!) to answer the sentence.
Are these “..” even coming into the application?
I’ve been working in the office through the school, in the subject of “praising company”. We have created letters there (order, invoice and inquiries), invoices booked and also worked with other companies.
If you you have done with
then write it in the me form.
“First experience in the office sector I have been able to gather at school in the subject of “praising company”. The task was to get in touch with other training companies in real working life. I have written letters, orders and inquiries and prepared and booked invoices.”