wie diese angst vermeiden?

bei wichtigen Dingen habe ich immer Angst das ich versage und versage nur deswegen weil ich Angst hatte, schwer zu formulieren

aber was kann ich tun damit das besser wird ich kann mich nie überwinden einfach

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5 months ago

I know that. At some point, fear comes from fear!

I’ve been studying next to Fulltimejob and was single. So in the second year, everything became too much for me. I think I had burnout.

I went to the supermarket at the WE and stood in the snake and suddenly began to tremble. It was terrible! After that, I didn’t dare to go to a supermarket, but I had to, because I was alone with my son.

I didn’t make such trivial everyday things anymore. You try to hide it as good as you can, because you feel like a psycho.

I stopped a lecture at university, I said I’m sorry, I just can’t do it. I was crying during the break. I thought I was the full loser. My fellow students were totally fond and said: Just breaking out proves courage, I wouldn’t dare.

After the break, I restarted the lecture and everything was good.

But after that I knew I had to do something now!

I took a course for Autogene’s training and that really helped me.

You learn to control your body. As I say to myself, I am completely finished with the nerves I can also talk to myself every day, I am mega relaxed!

It works in both directions!

I was then privately a hypnosetheraphie at the court manager. That was mega! I went out and thought I was the Mayor of Vienna! I’m glowing from inside, I’m going on stilts! My whole body radiates from the inside!

I went on with autogenous training and that helped me very much!

I can only recommend it to everyone!

5 months ago

I used to be afraid of holding a group of people. What is it with you?