Wie die Sprachkenntnisse im Lebenslauf angeben?

Hallo, ich bin mit zwei Sprachen aufgewachsen, geboren bin ich aber hier in Deutschland, wie sollte ich das nun am besten angeben?

Deutsch, Muttersprache
Arabisch, gute Sprachkenntnisse
Englisch, Grundkenntnisse

Wäre das richtig? Hab bisschen im Internet nachgeschaut und viele sind der Meinung, dass man Deutsch als Muttersprache bezeichnen soll, außerdem ist mein Arabisch nicht perfekt, kann ich also gute Sprachkenntnisse hinschreiben?

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1 year ago

Yeah, that’s absolutely right! Since you are born in Germany and grew up with German as your first language, it is correct to state German as your native language. For Arabic, you can specify “good language skills” as you grew up with it and master it, even if it may not be perfect. For English, as you acknowledge it as a basic knowledge, this means that you know basics but have no advanced knowledge. So your information is perfectly appropriate and correct.

1 year ago

In applications, the levels of language skills are:

Basic/basic knowledge,

good knowledge,


safe from negotiation,

Mother tongue.

If you find googelst after “safe” You have many examples of what language skills are called. In your case, people will be wondering if your Arabic knowledge isn’t reliable and not even fluent, but only good. And they will be very disappointed that you only have basic knowledge in English. Check both with the above-mentioned Google results.

1 year ago

This is not a matter of opinion, but how you are set up grammatically and otherwise in German. If you grew up in German, this is to be called a native language.

Other German native speakers also have such problems, from dialect to grammar….Don’t be too strict with yourself.

Arabic – can’t you call it very good? And do you really have basic knowledge of English or don’t you like to write it well?

Since there is no general table, you can add a little to it. In Arabic with very good you should also be able to read and write the written language, otherwise “good” is actually better. almost perfect to call Arabic as very good – but is a matter of opinion, depending on what profession you want to learn. If it’s important, consider if you can’t write in very well.

1 year ago

If you rule Arabic, I would call the kentnisse “flowing”. However, if you are looking for the right words more often, then not.

1 year ago

Totally correct