Wie dick darf ich maximal werden als junger Mann?
Ich bin Fabi, 24 männlich, 185 cm groß und wiege 108kg (Tendenz steigend).
Männer vertragen ja gut ein paar Kilos mehr und ich fühl mich auch super.
Was ist denn so eine Maximalgrenze ab der es ungesund werden kann?
if you want to be angry, but I think that’s just with a young man as you are, not the subject of how much you should be “incentive” in my eyes, the question of how you don’t increase your weight any further, would be better in my eyes, – you don’t have a top figure yourself – on the contrary, my age is also higher, and when I was in your own age I should use 80 kg
From when it becomes unhealthy or becomes unhealthy, it should be known. Nevertheless – does not stone me for this – it can be very different. Each body is different and varies (good) with such factors. As long as sugar, blood pressure etc. are within the framework – and remain, you can have your individual well-being weight. Whether this is <108 or >108… now…
Hi fabi: You’re too heavy now. Your BMI should be between 18 and 23 but it is already at 37.4 Dei weight should be at about 73 kg.
I wouldn’t say you were supposed to increase more. Losing would be better even if you think the man could get a little more. This is more than just a little more
With 24 it is easy to keep a healthier weight
You already have about 20 kilos too much. In the end, it’s your decision. Because you’re still young, your body is still quite well away. If this develops over the next few years with increasing weight but so on, you will sooner or later notice the consequences. I would at least try to keep the weight and not to increase it.
Like 180 kg, I’d take care of a bit at the latest. Of course, it depends on how you are built and what type you are. With picture you could judge it better 😉
I am actually wide but also with belly
Is nothing bad to have a belly 😊
Depends on whether it is more bacon mass or muscle mass.
Hab wider stature but with belly
Your size?
From 86-90 Kg. From 103 kilos it becomes highly unhealthy.
Hello, you can increase a lot, but don’t complain when your body comes back with illnesses, you should be disciplined while eating to not get fat
Your weight is unhealthy.