Wie denkt ihr über ein 198 cm typen?
Wie denkt ihr über 198 cm Größe typen
Wie denkt ihr über 198 cm Größe typen
Gibt ja Frauen die sind mehr behaarter als die anderen.Zum Beispiel sehr am Bauch oder mehr an den Armen als andere. Bedeutet das die haben mehr Testo?
Hi ich bin 165cm (ungefähr) groß, meine Freunde machen sich oft darüber lustig da ich im Gegensatz zu ihn etwas kleiner bin
Hey bin m13 und habe in Sport 2 shirts die ich Ner so gerne anziehe weil die eif zu lang sind, (meiner Meinung nach). Hat jemand ne Idee wie man das Stylen kann das es wieder besser ist?
Hallo, ich bin 12, wiege 56kg und bin 164cm groß. Könnte ich noch mit Balett anfangen? Ich will nicht Profisportlerin werden, nur als Hobby. Ich bin sehr dehnbar. Ich kann zwar keinen Spagat, aber ich könnte ihn sehr schnell lernen wenn ich müsste. Tschüssi, freue mich schon auf eure Antworten 😉
Guten Morgen meine Freunde, Wie lange bleiben solche Gewichtsschwankungen?
… I don’t pay attention to the size of a person. With 198cm someone is very big for me, especially that I live in the Philippines where people are small.
Well, that I’m not that big, I guess.
Because the size has not only advantages. With equal proportions, he would be one-third heavier than me with my 1.80, as volume and weight increase with the 3.Potence. This means that it also needs a third more in food, liquid and air. The load on the bones and joints is also greater in large people.
No actually I can weigh 75 kg without which I get health problems but big people are naturally well formed
Ten percent more size should take 30 percent more energy?
With equal proportions yes. 198^3 = 7762392, 180^3 = 5832000,
7762392/5832000=1,331. So 33% more volume or weight.
He would have to wear a helmet because the construction standard in DE is not after, so he goes straight through his life.
I checked in the RSA, it’s 2.05 m doorway, because the boys are all big guys.
Looks like…
No one is looking for its body size, foot size or other individual dimensions. You can work on your body weight, muscles or girth, but otherwise? Every person is the way she is.
Thank you, because all my fellow human beings are small in contrast to me.
I don’t care how big someone is.
I’d be much smaller than you.
Thanks for the message and how big are you?
I think 1.60 m
It is beautifully large, but as I am rather small (1.65m), it is for me 1.80m tall.😃
Ask me I’m 1,60 or so😃
Thanks for the message.I am also really young saying many because I am 15 and I have 21 so that I am fully grown up
You’re not small. With us you would be tall with 1.65 m, and this is the average size of a man with us.
I’d think it’s huge.
Nothing positive or negative
Because many people are over 2m tall nowadays.
Including me.
Yes that’s also good as old you are (I’m 15 and I’m still waking)
Currently 20
Don’t tell me about the person
Yes People are by nature so they sometimes offend others and arrogantly stamp
My sons are 204 and 208 cm “small”
How old are they (with 15 and still grow)
21 and 23
Wow, they are old
Did they grow up with 18?
Because I am so big
You are a doctor
No, certainly not.
How old are you (with your own 15 and your mother)
If I am a doctor, I can answer myself
You don’t have to answer for me
You have to tell me garnix! If you didn’t know, everyone can comment here.
In case you’re right
Keeping out
Pretty big, but I don’t care, and I’m not really small with my ample 1.80m 🙂
What am I supposed to think?
Something like “wow it’s big.”
Yes there are people who don’t like anyone 198 and they are 170
You mean people have problems with their self-image and think that their whole life would be better if they were bigger?
But there is no reason for this, you don’t understand
And there are those people who feel assaulted and assaulted even though no one has done anything to them.
There are so many people, but according to my experience, there are wild people who are mobbing you because of your size
No so I know people who bully you because of your size I can’t do anything for
Why would that hurt me?
Yes I thought that many giants would say or so because I am 15