Wie denkt ihr, ist Marilyn Monroe gestorben?
Ich beschäftigte mich derzeit sehr mit Marilyn Monroe, weil ich ihre Geschichte einfach krass, erstaunlich und traurig zugleich finde.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass sie kein suizid begangen hat. Was denkt ihr?
LG 😉
She took a lot of different pills for every puppy.
But I think she was killed. And that Kennedy’s had their fingers in the game.
It’s so bad that this beautiful, talented and sensitive woman has been exploited so much because she has longed for love.
Thanks for the star.
The probability that she was killed to limit damage by one of the US secret services – or the mafia – is quite high.
Thank you for your opinion!
An overdose tablets is as far as I know the official cause of death and I see no reason to doubt it.
She was very burned out in the YEARs before her death health and psychologically, took many medicines, consumed them in part with alcohol… in my eyes it is not very deviant that they ultimately cost her life. Whether she wanted to commit suicide or, for example, has overdosed in order to achieve an effect after tolerance formation of the body, one could still discuss.
Thanks for your opinion 😉
All these rumors of ways Kennedy would have killed them are absurd. She was a celebrity that has not tolerated fame, similar was Curt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Falco and many others. In the end, she moved herself out of the traffic with Barbies, which was usual at the time.
Because she knew too much about the government. The killer was probably JFK. I think there were extra pills on the table so that no one can hear about this murder. Finally, nix was found in her stomach.
She was a wonderful woman… 😭
It can be. But we won’t be able to know 100% how she died.
That’s why he was shot.
Are you serious?
Not in the stomach but in the blood…
I also believe that the truth will come out in 2039 and I also plede on murder because in her chest area a puncture site was found and yes, I believe 100% that they are all under a blanket.
I once read that she took an overdose of tabets with alcohol…
I just think that she was so lonely and unhappy that she wanted to devastate her pain from despair….but she got too much of everything.
Thanks for your answer and your opinion 👍🏼
Very much.
So I think it was murder what she knew all about John F.Kennedy and John’s brother. She had me both an affair. The FBI at that time had bugged the house where Monroe and Kennedy always met (Santa Monica beach) *1
In the UCLA (University of California *2
University of Los Angeles, California
lies a box (Box 39) where clues should be from the psychiatrist of Marilyn Monroe
(Ralph R. Greenson)
*1. John tells in bed what he’s gonna have and what he’s planting. Monroe wrote every detail on what happened during nights (red diary). She did the same with John’s brother Robert. Because Monroe never got enough she called in the White House what John didn’t find good. So he sent off his brother Robert to tell Monroe that she should stop. But Monroe fell in love with brother and so a new romance began with John’s brother.
*2. This box must not be opened before 2039 because the psychiatrist had said this. It is believed that in this box the information is in it by Monores dead and by John .F Kennedy (a year after Monroes dead). What you think is that in this box is that the psychiatrist that was that he would put himself. The psychiatrist does this, however, because at this time all are dead who had to do with the murder, so the year 2039. In the night of death on 5. August 1962 it should look like this (my guesses) that she should have made suicide, but that would make my sense because she had a lot of plans for the next few weeks and months what she also told her sister. I think that she was already killed in another room, I don’t know what a stubborn object or something you shouldn’t forget is that there were no liquids in the room, that would also say that she couldn’t kill herself, one thing that’s very busy with the autopsy all tablets are supposed to be digested? But she had taken over 10 doses to herself. One thing that concerns me is that she was lying to me the lower side of the head on the bed she was naked what she actually never was, the housekeeper always said she was going to go with a bra because she doesn’t like dressing. What’s funny is that the housekeeper was only to the first policeman the Monroe was dead at 0:00 and to the 2 police officer she says 3:55, of course, you have a smart sense of remembering the time at night but that goes from 0:00 to 3:55 is already very funny. Where the ambulance came, the doctors tried to revive her they would have done it, but where the psychiatrist came from Monroe he gave her a syringe with a drug. What happened to the Artzt Komsich was that the psychiatrist made the syringe quite wrong. So I think they’re all stuck under a blanket and I hope we’ll find out in 2039 what’s in this box of evidence to see who the killer was.
It was 100% murder
The survey makes no sense.
What we think is irrelevant, if there are official investigations that prove this.
It’s fixed, that she died from an overdose of sleeping tablets (barbiturates).
In addition:
Your survey also makes no sense because the answers “Overdose (sleep)” and “suicide” do not exclude each other. She can have practiced suicide with sleeping pills. You can only cross one.
And last but not least: Here you can read the (with references) yourself.
It may not make any sense for you, but perhaps for others. Not everyone represents your opinion. After all, the survey is not only aimed at you. Everyone has a different opinion or belief in something else. 100% you don’t really know how she died. But I think she didn’t take her own life. I’m almost sure.
You’re right.
But this is not about “reports” (also not about mine).
You asked a question about a cause of death. And there was an official official investigation. And their result is known and is now “overdose sleep tablets”. That’s a fact. Beyond all “reports”.
You know that. That’s the point. She died from an overdose of sleeping pills.
How can I explain it to you? Maybe so.
If you would ask, “Is the earth a disc?“, then the answer would be “no” and that is just a fact. Even if there are some conspiracy theorists who don’t want to see it. – And it would make no sense if you then write to a corresponding answer: “Not everyone represents your opinion.“
Because that wouldn’t change the fact.
As far as I know she died from an overdose of sleeping pills. I’ve heard she had constantly sleeping problems and grabbed the tablets.
Without liquid???
It’s similar to Whitney Houston.
Thanks for your answer 👍🏼
Everything at once, I think 🥴
Well, then prove the opposite.
Yeah and she’s still alive, just like Elvis.
You don’t seriously think she’s still alive?! Who has sworn you
Are you serious what you wrote?
èberdose Sleeping agent
She knew too much about politicians and the “Hohe Society”. I think about murder.
… but for mistake!
So you mean it was unintentional or unconscious?
Yes!!! She probably didn’t want to take her life.
I think so too! 100%