Wie den Plan das Studium Abzubrechen im Lebenslauf darstellen?
Habe im diesen Oktober ein Studium begonnen, mir ist aber schnell klar geworden, dass Studieren im ganzen nichts für mich ist und jetzt will nach der Weihnachtspause aufhören und mich auf eine Ausbildungsstelle als Systemintegrator bewerben, nun stellt sich mir die Frage, wie ich das in den Lebenslauf packe
soll ich das Ende des Studiums offen lassen: 10/2022 –
oder lieber Anfang und geplantes ende: 10/2022 – 01/2023
Oder doch ganz was anderes?
In your CV, you should leave the end of your studies open by specifying the date of the start and not specify the end date. In this way it becomes clear that you are still studying, but at the same time you signal that you apply for a training place as a system integrator. Here is an example of how this could look in your resume:
You can also briefly mention that you have decided to finish your studies and instead make a training as a system integrator. In this way, you can explain your reasons and show that you have deliberately opted for a career change.
It is important that you make your CV clear and easy to read and understand from potential employers. Avoid adding too many details or unnecessary information, and instead focus on the most important facts and experiences relevant to the training center as a system integrator.
You put the end in as soon as you exmatricate yourself. So at the moment
10/22 – current
From the point of eccentricity:
10/22 – 01/23 (or whenever you exmatricate)
In itself, however, I would still be studying until the training begins (must not go to university). It looks better than 7 months later.
Thank you.
|| It looks better than 7 months later.
The 7 months are filled, I have to work as a production employee on the assembly line or at the aldi on the cash register.
This can also be done “besides” for study. You also save health insurance and have an ÖPNV ticket.
Write in CV: Since 10/2022 studies XXX
In the letter, you will explain why you want to give up your studies and why the training seems to you the better alternative. It can be smart for various reasons to maintain your student status nmoch until the start of the training.
Or you write in writing that you can imagine working in or out there before the start of training. Then it is clear that you would stop studying earlier.
Wish you a lot of success!