Wie den Eltern erklären das ich rauche?

Hallo zusammen ich rauche seit ca einem Monat und möchte es nicht verheimlichen sondern auch Zuhause rauchen. Wie erkläre ich das meinen Eltern das ich eine Raucherin bin.

Ich bin 16 bitte keine Moralpredigt ich weiß das es ungesund ist.

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2 years ago

They will have to accept that you smoke sooner or later, at the latest by 18. And if you’re a smoker, then they should also know that you will do it in any case, only secretly.
You may ask why, so explain to them how and why you started and why you can’t stop.
At home is another thing. The apartment belongs to your parents or they rented them and they determine what happens in them. So if they don’t want you to smoke in the apartment, you’ll have to accept it. And if they are non-smokers, I could understand that very well. Then you can try to smoke on the balcony or just on the open window or stop VApe that you do not smell. But if they don’t want it, you have to accept it.

2 years ago

I might be waiting for something, and I’ll just say it when you’re really safe.

Trouble is likely to happen. Then just say in one sentence you started.

2 years ago

Tell them you smoke without much tamma. Any form of justification for this behavior would only show how little control you still have and that you are looking for your addiction. Unfortunately, you can’t help your parents with this.

2 years ago

“Don’t be a moral preacher” – you don’t get it from me – but the parents will tell you something.

You should Now stop – later it becomes more and more difficult – it affects Your life very negative.

2 years ago

Nana, not so fast with the young horses.

For a month? Then wait until you start a conflict like this, perhaps unnecessarily?

2 years ago

If your parents also smoke, you will certainly have to explain where you have the tipping. You can’t buy them.

“Mama, Dad, I smoke and I want to qualify my children’s room. ‘