Wie definiert sich ein “dienstlicher” Umgangston in der Familie?
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Wie die Frage schon lautet: Wie definiert sich ein “dienstlicher” Umgangston in der Familie?
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Wie die Frage schon lautet: Wie definiert sich ein “dienstlicher” Umgangston in der Familie?
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Es geht darum das ich eine Ausbildung in it Bereich machen möchte und jedes mal wenn ich mit dem Thema anfange wird die total komisch und versucht immer das Thema zu lenken oder meint ich soll lieber eine Schulung in Kosmetik Bereich machen und Wimpern machen lernen Sie gibt mir das Gefühl das ich irgendwie…
Hallo Ich (m/15) habe eine Mutter die ist jetzt 48 und ein Vater der ist 58… Meine Eltern und generell meine Famillie ist ziemlich uncool/altmodisch!! Meine Eltern z.b. wollen immer dass mein Ton perfekt passt oder ich mich bei Tisch gut benehme (Haltung, Ellenbogen nicht aufstützen etc.) KEINER von meinen Freunden muss sowas zu Hause…
Ich hab ne Freundin, sie hat n Kind. Ich komme damit nicht klar, weil ich selbst einen starken Kinderwunsch habe. Kann aber aus medizinischer Sicht keine Kinder bekommen. Wie kann man damit umgehen? Kann es einfach nicht akzeptieren dass ich nicht Mama bin, da ich es mir so sehr wünsche. Bei ihr war die SS…
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Hallo, derzeit fühle ich mich richtig unwohl und habe Angst vor der Zukunft. Mann und ich werden in ein paar Monaten in unser Haus ziehen, welches wir außerhalb Tür an Tür zu den Schwiegereltern gebaut haben. Mein Mann und ich erwarten in 3 Monaten unser erstes Kind. Zudem hat sich mein Mann letztes Jahr selbstständig…
Meine Eltern sind total gegen meine Beziehung! Ich bin Albanerin und mein Freund ist Türke. Wir lieben über uns über alles. Nur ist meine Familie sowas von dagegen !! Die sagen mir, ich solle Schluss machen und alles. Ich liebe auf der einen Seite meine Familie, aber auf der anderen Seite auch mein Freund. Was…
As a serviceable approach, I would define a communication that is completely free of feelings, emotions and affection and moves on a purely objective level.
The aim here is usually the processing of certain duties and the maintenance of certain appointments, which are not primarily intended for fun, but which are intended to serve several and serve to fulfill the duty. Representation.
The individual is perceived less as a person with personal corners, edges, wishes and individuality, but rather as a functional wheel in the overall transmission.
Hierarchies or patriarchs do not necessarily require. The factual tone and the repositioning of purely factual tasks are already sufficient to create a provocative climate in which performance is demanded and less personal emotions.
Thank you.
I was told the other day that the tone of my grandpa had been very helpful – with heart, but very helpful.
You’ve well described how the tone was at home. And represent was a permanent theme, I say only Sakkos, shirts and Opel Senator.
Straight, normalized without space for extravagants, Schlendrian or own ideas.
An order is given to live in a specific way, all necessary means (food, clothing, roof over the head, education…) are provided and then lived according to Scheme F, in order to remain good to the outside and achieve successes.
The opposite of this would respect cuddles, deep personal conversations, individuality and extravagances, etc
Thank you for the star. Report me later.
Yeah, that’s coming. The funds were regulated and it was only good what the well-being found – everything else was crushed, ridiculed or artificially destroyed by non-respect.
The tone was very friendly, pleasing and polite, but he was factual, he liked the tone in a typical German television series of the 80s. Everything was very factual.
There were deep talks, but that was all political, factual, social; something serious and gediegene, where one could not lose the reputation and comprehended respect when one came to it – one wanted to “do not try” but somehow (here with knowledge) and hoped to be more respectful (which usually worked). The view to the outside was enormously important, it almost went over everything else.
Own wishes and ideas of others, even in the family, were only accepted when it was not different, for example when I developed my own musical taste, which was defined by ours, and did not come from it.
Hello red sand!
If in a family the conditions are hierarchical, this can lead to a “service” tone of manoeuvre, i.e. from above and in the tone of command from the powerful to the weaker.
In other families it is sometimes noted among one another that the other has just hit a “service sound” in order to inform the person that they are not communicating at eye level and that this is not okay.
There is only one question =
Do you want to have a family with which you speak normally, or do you need a barrack tone at home?
I only know with soldiers and executives – who also consider family as subordinates. They think they have the only command at home.
If they can’t leave work at the site.
Not at all, the one excludes the other…
service is service and schnaps is schnaps…family something quite different