Wie Corsair Wasserkühlung leiser machen?
Ich hab seit ca 3-4 Jahren eine Corsair H100 Platinum Wasserkühlung. Sobald ich irgendein Spiel starte wird das Ding unglaublich laut und ist im Durschnitt bei ca 2400 Umdrehungen. CPU is ein Ryzen 3600. Habt ihr irgendeine Idee, wie man das Problem lösen kann?
Vielen Dank
When the fans run on Max Speed, the CPU becomes too hot.
You may have to check if you have to refill cooling liquid after 3-4 years, because either way or so every AIO loses liquid.
Almost all AIO ́s can be refilled, and even 100ml can align a lot.
The pump may be damaged, please check.
The 3600 CPU is more a joke about warmth, because I am with my 5800X3D etc. These are heat monsters.
Here you should see why they start so fast? Will the CPU be too hot?
Klackers only the fans?, then fans exchange.
But if your fans run at 2400U/m, the full speed, i.e. the CPU is too hot and this is very unusual with your 3600 CPU
that’s an old dog now, you’re not gonna beat him to the lap dog anymore. The bearings of the fans are knocked out and the fans rappel. Think about a detachment of the cooling device. Best with a high TDP, which run quieter at low requirements like a 3600.
Depending on the mainboard, the fans can also be controlled.
Just shut down speed. Then, however, the temperatures may be higher.