Wie bringe ich Lehrer dazu mit uns ib der Schule Feuerwehrmann Sam zu gucken?
Ich gucke gerne Feuerwehrmann Sam. Bald werde ich eingeschult und ich möchte auch in der Schule Feuerwehrmann Sam gucken. Wie bringe ich meine Lehrerin dazu das zu erlauben?
Cool idea. Make her tasty. There is also the subject of firefighters in teaching subjects. You could see a nice episode.
Sometimes the teachers at school also show the consequences of “Checker Tobi” or “knowledge makes Ah” when it fits the teaching theme.
When the teachers say no, it’s not that bad either. And maybe they say yes. In any case, they will be happy to introduce your ideas. The subject of firefighters comes, I think, in the second class. Then you or your parents can ask again 😄. Or you’ll make a movie afternoon in the hort, with popcorn 🥳
Have fun at school!
You’ll write well for getting schooled soon.